by Michelle Delaney

Let’s Talk About COVID-19

As everybody hunkers down, there is less local news, community events, club updates, school activities. I never thought that the effect of the virus would affect the SOUTH LAKE TABLET and how we report the news but, unfortunately, it will. Everything will change, at least for the next 30 days.

The New Norm – COVID-19 is ruining my social life! I’m sitting in my home office avoiding outside activity. I’m fine. I just don’t want to catch the virus. Only a few days ago, social distancing was, “Stay 6-8 ft away, a toe tap could be included”. Right now the recommendation is “Stay Home”!  I am taking this virus seriously, at least until I run out of paper towels.

I don’t think everyone realizes COVID-19 is highly contagious and sometimes fatal.

Don’t Be Part Of The Problem, Be Part Of The Solution

I have an elderly friend who believes the emergency guidelines are unconstitutional; another friend is questioning if the whole virus thing is a hoax; and another friend believes south Lake is a safe zone, “no sightings of the virus here”.  Each of these people are over 60 and at high-risk to develop complications if they catch the virus.

If you are under 60 years old and in good health, you are blessed. The odds are low of COVID-19 killing you. But you should still take this virus seriously.  Yes, you may be healthy; Yes, you may not even know you have the virus; but Yes, you can infect your aging grandma or your best friend who may have health issues. My advice, take every precaution not to catch the virus. Hospitals aren’t prepared to adequately care for the number of people who might catch the virus.

Plan ahead and be prepared.

If you were at BJs last Thursday, you may have seen me on that long, long line of frantic shoppers. I don’t believe in stockpiling but I did buy some incidentals that I can’t live without… chocolate milk and cookies. I forgot the ice cream!. Yesterday, I began watching some great movies on Netflix and Amazon but realize I can’t live on cookies and movies alone.  Today, I am wondering if I am the only person who is bored?  Please share how you are spending your time I’d love to read and share your comments, ideas, and suggestions.

Schools are closed.  Every parent has to make the decision on how they will take care of their families. Share how you are handling issues such as childcare, health care, meal programs and novel ways to pass the time with family. You may be able to help someone who isn’t sure what to do next. No reason to mention Wine, that’s obvious. Email to

Businesses are Worried About the Future – Businesses are already realizing the financial impact that the virus is causing. Local, state and federal governments are aware of the financial issues of the small business owner and workers and discussing resources that will make life a little easier. Let’s hope they don’t let us down.

Until COVID-19 has run its course, be kind, understanding and supportive to our local business owners, workers, and each other.

We are all in this together so help share local news, updates and experiences.  Notify the TABLET. I’ll make sure the word gets out.

Floridians are STRONG. We’ve survived hurricanes; and, what’s more stressful than a hurricane?

For now, Let’s keep socially close and physically distant and share local news by submitting to

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