Unincorporated Lake County residents must set out any remaining Hurricane Milton vegetative or construction and demolition debris by Saturday, Jan. 25. If the debris is not curbside by Jan. 25, it may not get picked up.
- Vegetative debris includes tree stumps, branches, trunks, and other leafy materials. Do not place these items in bags.
- Construction and demolition debris includes damaged components of buildings and structures, such as wood, glass, roofing materials, or carpeting. It does not include components resulting from repairs.
Lake County’s storm debris collection haulers will start their final collection pass on Jan. 25. They will pick up hurricane debris only from residences with their items out by this date.
Residents should keep items segregated from other materials and avoid obstructions such as mailboxes and powerlines. Residents are encouraged to use this collection period to clear their properties of any remaining hurricane-related debris.
Residents who believe they have extenuating circumstances with their debris should call the Office of Solid Waste’s customer service number at (352) 343-3776.