Laura St. John is a woman of many talents. She is an accomplished singer, a published author; a kid’s entertainer (Alphabet Chef). She can deliver a costumed telegram for any occasion or help get you organized. And, also find the time to speak with me while preparing for a book signing of her newly published book, “Don’t Judge A Bug By Its Cover”.

TABLET:  Can you tell me a little about the book you recently had published?

Laura:  The book is for early readers, around ages 5-8 years and parents and grandparents who enjoy reading to their young children. It tells the story of a sweet ladybug named Lace who meets up with a suave wise bug named Mr. Roach.  The unlikely pair begin an adventure that will change their lives forever.  As they travel through breathtaking surroundings and go about their days, they discover that the need for others is what helps them get by in life.  Surrounded by true friends and beautiful landscape, they soon realize the real beauty is within themselves.

TABLET: What gave you the idea for the book?

Laura: I think we are all secretly bullied in some way during our lives. We may even put ourselves down without realizing it.  And now that online cyberbullying is such a common thing, I was hoping to catch young minds in the early reading stages to see the beauty in everyone.  I actually wrote this many years ago but just recently had the opportunity to publish it.

TABLET: How long did it take you to write it?

Laura: Not very long.  I think creativity flows through people.  Like when you write a song or a story, once you have the idea then it can happen quickly. Now editing, that takes a while and is very meticulous.  But when I started writing it, the story just came to me.

TABLET: Did you have an illustrator?

Laura: I talked with many illustrators until I found the right fit.  Previously, I had worked with both of my illustrators when I was a copywriter at an ad agency. I decided to stick with these two individuals because they not only were talented but also were loyal and committed to the projects and believed in the value of the message. The vision the author has must be portrayed in the artwork.  Otherwise, the story is incomplete.

TABLET: When did you decide to write this book?

Laura: We all want to contribute in some way to better the world.  I felt that this might help young minds see things differently as they grow-up.

TABLET: Have you written any other books?

Laura: “The Christmas House” will be out in October of 2018.  It is a new twist on a traditional Christmas story.  And I do plan on writing an autobiography one day.

TABLET: Is writing your first career?

Laura: I recently decided to start branding myself based on talking to several entrepreneurs. I do have several passions. Writing. Singing/Performing. Organizing. All service-oriented careers to try and help others enjoy more of their lives. My website is

TABLET: Do you live in South Lake County?

Laura: I grew up on the East Coast of Florida and moved to South Lake with my husband and two children in the summer of 2014. Of all the places I have lived, this is my favorite place. I love the hills and the lakes.  And it is so close to everything.  The people are so nice, and we feel very blessed to have found this piece of heaven.

TABLET: If someone wants to meet you in person, will you be doing any book signings?

Laura: Twisted Flavors in Downtown Clermont has been so kind to hold my first book signing which will be in April.  There are several other businesses that have asked me to do a signing, and I am thrilled. One of my friends has offered to host a signing at her home for a mom’s group which was so nice. For Literacy Week, I read to the entire group of lower school children at Clermont Elementary. They were all so sweet and loved my story!  And I will read at Montverde Academy towards the end of April.

TABLET: If someone wanted to buy your book, can you furnish the link?

Laura: On Facebook, Laura St. John Enterprises or my website

I do give a discount if you buy the book directly from me.  But if my plan works out, anyone will be able to get the books this year on Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

TABLET: Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Readers?

Laura: When we start living outside ourselves, that is when we can accomplish things.  Every single person wants to feel like they are part of something.  Everyone is searching.  It’s a known fact that when people feel wanted or loved that they live longer and are happier.  We all can contribute in some way and not feel victimized but rather be empowered. That is what makes our days worthwhile.  Never depend on others for your happiness because it doesn’t work that way.

My ‘umbrella’ site is, but I also have three other branch sites – My music site is  My healthy eating for kids site My organizational site is

Twisted Flavors Baked Bar is hosting a book signing event for Laura on Thursday, April 5, between 3 pm and 6 pm. Drop by the sweet shop, located at 763 W. Montrose St., in downtown Clermont, and meet the south Lake County author.

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