Pictured: Ron Heller, former professional baseball player, entertainer, radio and TV Talk host and Chris Boylan, president-elect of the Kiwanis Club of Clermont

Ron Heller, a former professional baseball player, entertainer, radio and TV talk host was the guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club of Clermont.  Ron is an author of (12) books all written after his 70th year.  Ron talked about the process of aging and preparing for it.

He recommends daily mental and physical activity and doing something different every day such as reading the newspaper backward or discovering something new every day.  He stressed the importance of mental gymnastics, saying it will build “myelin” that protects the brain and prevents dementia.

He stressed daily physical activity – running, stretching or walking and using ten minutes each day for planning both physical and mental exercises.  He said that lifespan is no longer 50 years.  Many people live to 100 or more, and for many people, long life is a real problem.  Ron suggests that persons nearing senior status have to consider the following:  their income or lack thereof, where and what to invest in and with whom, where you wish to spend your senior years, what senior living facilities can be gotten and where can you get help for issues like in-home care, senior living facilities, and nursing care.

At the completion of his presentation, President Chris Boylan thanked him and presented him with a commemorative club pin.


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