On tour: Mary Danforth, Carmen Kennedy, Michele Nelson, Cecilia Fienco, Casey Rush, Sandra Wilkinson and Barbara Howell.
Myra Levine with her dad’s WW2 uniform at the Wall of Honor in the Quonset Hut.

The Clermont Woman’s Club Activities Committee plans fun social events for its members to enjoy as well as the two annual major fundraisers, the Expo and Fashion Show. Bunco for Charity is played in the Clubhouse on the second Tuesday each month.

Inside the Original Cooper Library: Sandra Wilkinson, Myra Levine, Barbara Howell and guide.

“Travelling Teapot” is taken to lunch each month with four members who are chosen to meet for lunch and get better acquainted.



In April, fifteen members gathered for a planned tour of the Historical Village Museum in Clermont followed by a luncheon at Erika’s Tea Room and shopping at her boutique next door. For club information see ClermontWomansClub.org.


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