Submitted by Vianca Patino, The South Lake Tablet
I had the opportunity to chat with two of the highest honored graduates at East Ridge High School, Valedictorian Alejandro Busto and Salutatorian Liliana Vela.
Alejandro Busto, Valedictorian

Vianca – Alejandro, being a valedictorian is quite an accomplishment. What is your graduating GPA?
Alejandro -My graduating GPA is 5.32
Vianca –Tell me how it feels to be East Ridge High School’s Valedictorian?
Alejandro – It’s awesome! Through the years, you don’t get that much feedback on how you are doing, so it feels good to have made it after working for it.
Vianca –How does someone become a Valedictorian?
Alejandro –You must take the right classes; East Ridge has a lot of good teachers which is a huge help. Also, you need to have friends with the same goals so you can keep each other motivated when classes are hard.
Vianca – What motivated you to strive for high grades?
Alejandro – I really enjoy learning. I have always wanted to learn more, especially in math and science. Getting a good grade is not enough. I want to keep learning, taking more classes and gaining knowledge.
Vianca – What was your high school experience been like at East Ridge High School?
Alejandro –It’s been great! There are many awesome AP teachers and good friends who will help you when classes get tough or just when life gets tough. I think East Ridge has the best kids in Lake County and some of the smartest/brightest.
Vianca –Were you involved in any clubs or sports?
Alejandro -Yes, I was in Varsity tennis and the team captain. I was also involved in SGA as an officer. I had the opportunity to be part of a couple of Honor Societies.
Vianca – How are you feeling about your Valedictorian speech?
Alejandro – I don’t get to make a speech at East Ridge. My friend is the SGA president and he will make the speech. I’m giving him a paragraph to say on my behalf.
Vianca – What advice would you give to the future graduating classes?
Alejandro – Senioritis is real. Try to keep your head up, since it can be hard. Always go to class try not to miss too many days it will be over before you know it.
Vianca – What are your future plans?
Alejandro – I’m going to Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in Melbourne. I plan to study physics and, at least, earn my master’s degree.
Alejandro has always been a go-getter throughout high school and very focused all around, said East Ridge High School principal Ms. Julie Robinson-Lueallen. He has taken numerous AP classes and will be named “AP Scholar from College Board”.
Liliana Vela – Salutatorian

Vianca – Liliana, being a salutatorian is quite an accomplishment. What is your graduating GPA?
Liliana – my graduating GPA is a 5.22
Vianca – Tell me how you felt when you were told you were ERHS salutatorian?
Liliana – It is nice to be recognized for my hard work and dedication to academics over the past 4 years.
Vianca – How did you manage to earn such an award?
Liliana – I’ve been motivated by my family and the people I surround myself with in high school. It has been important for my family and me to be successful in my academics because of my background.
Vianca – What motivated you to strive for high grades?
Liliana – Competition plays a big part in how I’ve been reaching my grades.
Vianca – What was your high school experience like at East Ridge High School?
Liliana -It has had its ups and downs. But ultimately it has been a positive environment. I think the best part of East Ridge is the ability to choose what you want. You can choose the path you want to take.
Vianca – Were you involved in any clubs or sports?
Liliana – I did Varsity soccer all four years of High School and club soccer. I am very involved in DECA, I was an officer for two years and President for my senior year.
Vianca – What advice would you give to the future graduating classes?
Liliana –Take your senior year to explore and see what interests you. Also, take the opportunity to try new things.
Vianca – What are your future plans?
Liliana – I’m going to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I plan on studying Bio Engineering and earning, at least, a Ph.D.
Class of 2018 is a big class this year. There were approximately 600 students in the ERHS graduating class.
East Ridge’s graduation took place at the CFE Arena at UCF on Saturday, May 19.
Go Knights!
Note from the Editor: Vianca is working this summer at the SOUTH LAKE TABLET. She graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2015 from East Ridge High School and is currently attending UCF, majoring in Journalism.