Everyone wants to help the victims of Hurricane Michael but we need to make sure our help is effective.

There are scammers who will profit off this disaster.  Before sending a contribution, do some research.  Be sure you give to a legitimate organization by visiting Charity Navigator. Be wary of brand-new charities; even if legitimate, they may not have the capabilities or resources to aid the victims.  Avoid unsolicited phone and email requests.  Do not send cash.  Use a credit card or personal check so you can track your donation.

The Florida Disaster Fund is accepting donations via their website, text or mailing a check: https://www.volunteerflorida.org/emergency-management/#fdf

  1. DIRECT MONETARY DONATION: At this early stage in the response and recovery phases, monetary donations are best. Donations can be made through church and community organizations.
  2. INDIVIDUAL GOODS DONATION: While all donations are appreciated, Monetary donations are best.
  3. CORPORATE GOODS DONATION: Same as the Individual Donation.  Monetary donations are best.
  4. VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME: The need for volunteers is inevitable. If you’d like to volunteer, contact your location church or organization for information regarding how you can help.


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