If you head to the polls on election day, Tuesday, November 6, without taking the time to review your ballot, it may take a while for you to cast your vote.
There are 12 proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution on the General Election ballot, as well as 5 amendments to the City of Groveland’s charter.
The City of Groveland is hosting a public forum on the five proposed Charter Amendments that will appear on the upcoming election ballot for Groveland voters. The forum will be held on Tuesday, October 23, from 6 pm – 7 pm at the Puryear Building, at 243 S. Lake Avenue.

Marilyn Crotty, the recently retired director of the Florida Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida, will serve as moderator for the forum. Crotty also led the Citizens Advisory Committee that studied the city’s charter and came up with the five, proposed amendments.
“The registered voters of Groveland have a wonderful opportunity to affect the long-term quality of the city by voting on amendments to the city charter that will be on the ballot in November,” Crotty said. “The charter is the city’s constitution, and the only way it can be changed is by a vote of the citizens.”
While city officials cannot advocate for passage of any or all of the amendments, they can educate the public. Officials have posted an explanation about the amendments on the city’s website, www.groveland-fl.gov, and have also posted it on a variety of social media. A flyer with the same explanations is being mailed to all utility customers this month.
The forum will give the public, especially Groveland voters, an opportunity to learn more about the five amendments and to ask questions, said City Manager Mike Hein.
The amendments deal with: 1) Holding primary elections when three or more candidates qualify for a council seat; 2) filling the mayoral seat when it is vacant prior to expiration of the term; 3) revising the charter to use more neutral, job-specific language; 4) having four-year terms for the council members and mayor and 5) setting limitations on interference with city administration by council members.
Questions must be submitted in advance by emailing info@groveland-fl.gov, dropping off questions to the city manager or bringing them to the forum.
Visit proposed amendments for information on the 12 additional Florida amendments.