The Lake County Board of County Commissioners is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of Citrus Grove Road Phase I. The event, which is open to the public, and will be held at 10:30 am on Wednesday, October 23, at Citrus Grove Road and North Hancock Road in Minneola.

The $6.6 million 4-lane highway, primarily funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and County transportation impact fees, also includes partnership funding from the City of Minneola and more than $1 million in donated right of way. The road will provide improved access to the Florida Turnpike Minneola Interchange, along with schools, parks and shopping. It extends from Grassy Lake Road to North Hancock Road and features a 120-foot-wide right of way, a multi-use trail, bike lanes, and sidewalks.
“The completion of Phase I of Citrus Grove Road will add to the economic growth that the new North Hancock Road and Minneola Turnpike Interchange have already brought to the region,” said Lake County Commissioner Sean Parks. “This new highway will have a tremendous impact on our local road network.”
The next phase of the project will begin later this year. Once completed, the project will extend from U.S. Highway 27 to North Hancock Road.
Immediately following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Citrus Grove Road Phase I will open to traffic. For more information about the event, call the Lake County Public Works Department at 352-343-6439.