Clermont Police Officers David Colon and Michelle Rogers were presented the Bonnie McGuire Courage Award at the November 12th, Clermont City Council meeting. Sandie Stacy, Beta Theta Philanthropic Director, presented certificates of appreciation and a check in the amount of $1,000 in honor of Bonnie McGuire, a fun-loving member of Beta Theta Chapter of ESA, who courageously fought cancer with dignity and amazing determination before losing the battle.

Beta Theta members Michelle Delaney, Sandie Stacy, Joan Kyle and Terry Moherek with Officers Colon & Rogers (center)

Beta Theta made the decision to present a contribution in her honor to a worthy member of Bonnie’s beloved community. Officers Colon and Rogers immediately came to mind as the perfect choice. Each of the CPD officers has made a positive impact in the community.

Officers Colon and Rogers announced that the money presented by Beta Theta will help fund the Heroes and Helpers project.

Heroes and Helpers is an annual, nation-wide event held at Target Stores to help children shop with a first-responder for Christmas. It’s an experience where children have an opportunity to shop with a “hero”.  Kids are also encouraged to shop for presents for themselves, their parents and siblings.

Pictured: Target Manager (L) and McDonalds Restaurant Owner (R) with Officers Colon and Rogers

This year Officer Colon announced that more than 50 children have been selected by Clermont officers to participate in the Target shopping spree on December 20. After shopping, McDonald’s Restaurant (Clermont, Hwy 50 ) will provide lunch for the children.

Officer Rogers and Police Chief Broadway

Following the presentation by Beta Theta, Police Chief Broadway had one more announcement – Officer Rogers will be leaving the CPD.  Chief Broadway presented Officer Rogers with a plaque thanking her for her service and expressing his wish for her success in her future endeavors.


Officer Colon thanks the community for its support and explains the CPD newly created Foundation.

Clermont Police Department Received the Bonnie McGuire Courage Award

Clermont Police Officers David Colon and Michelle Rogers were presented the Bonnie McGuire Courage Award at the November 12th, Clermont City Council meeting. Officer Colon announced the CPD's newly created 501C Foundation. for Further info, visit

Posted by South Lake Tablet on Saturday, November 16, 2019


About Officers Colon and Rogers

March 2019, Clermont Chief of Police Chuck Broadway presented Officer Colon the Community Service Award/Spirit Award. Officer Rogers received the Community Service Award.

Officer David Colon –  Community Service Award/Spirit Award

Because of his dedicated involvement in the community, Officer Colon received the community service award/spirit award. He is specifically known for his leadership role in the Oakhurst Project.   He quickly assessed a need in a particular area which is the Oakhurst Subdivision.  This community had several calls for service to include nuisance calls such as noise complaints, loitering, parking issues, suspicious subjects and drug and alcohol violations.  He worked hand-in-hand with the residents and homeowners to organize a security/homeowners committee.  Proactive policing along with problem-solving methods such as crime prevention through environmental design, Officer Colon, along with the community, identified the best way to improve the area for the residents while reducing crime.  He approached several businesses who have offered to provide material and/or monetary support towards the improvement of this community.  Ultimately, through several donations and volunteer hours, the community was improved through beautification efforts such as organized trash cleanups and exterior painting.  As a result of these combined efforts, nuisance crimes dropped to almost non-existent and other more serious violations were reduced.  This has not only gained local attention but statewide, national and international attention.  The Office of the President recognized the Clermont Police Department for using such community-based methods in accordance with the President’s Task Force Report on 21stCentury Policing. Visit Oakhust Projectto learn more.

Officer Michelle Rogers – Community Service Award

Officer Rogers has fully committed herself to this unit and community.  She works closely with several organizations to provide services to the people of Clermont.  She has partnered with Real Life Church’s Real Help to provide boxes of clothing, food and other items to less fortunate families.  She has worked with New Beginnings to find employment to those seeking jobs.  She routinely met with homeless individuals to assess needs.  She also spoke with victims of domestic violence to provide guidance and services.  During the calendar year of 2018, Officer Rogers assisted a mother of four who was in an abusive relationship and, due to Officer Rogers’ efforts, the mother and children were provided inexpensive housing and Officer Rogers walked her through the ex-parte process.

Officer Rogers is an officer that thinks outside of the box. She helped to initiate a “citation” program designed to use patrol units to “catch” youth conducting good behavior.  The officer would give the youth a “citation” for good behavior as well as a dessert voucher from one of our local food establishments.  This not only promotes good behavior but also positive interaction with the police.  She also has organized the Toy’s 4 Trunks campaign which equips our patrol cars with donated toys to hand out to children in need or who experienced a traumatic event. She assisted Officer Colon in the Oakhurst initiative.

About Beta Theta, ESA

Beta Theta-Clermont, a chapter of ESA, was chartered over 40 years ago.

Giving back to the community is a cornerstone belief of Beta Theta.  As a group, Beta Theta has held community fundraisers since 1979.  Last year, Beta Theta held its 15th annual signature event, the Mardi Gras Celebration, which raised more than $17,000.

This year Beta Theta will be hosting its 16th Mardi Gras on Saturday, March 14, at Clermont Performing Arts Center.  All proceeds will benefit local high school scholarships and local service organizations.


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