Dr. Julio Paez Of The South Lake Pain Institute was the guest speaker at the November South Lake Chamber of Commerce Breakfast on Friday, November 15.
Dr. Paez has in-depth experience in institutional and private medicine in both anesthesiology and interventional pain management. He is the author/co-author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and has been an investigator in dozens of clinical trials for varied therapeutic areas in both the biopharmaceutical and medical device spaces. He is Director of Regenerative Medicine, Principal Investigator of Research, and the Medical Director of the South Lake Pain Institute. He is board-certified in both interventional pain medicine and anesthesiology.
Dr. Paez is a member of the American Society of Anesthesiology, the Florida Society of Anesthesiology, the American Society of Regional Anesthesia, the Society for Clinical Research Sites, and the Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, of which he is Director-at-Large. Yes, Dr. Paez has all the credentials, charisma, and experience to make listening to him both educational and entertaining. In fact, after listening to his presentation at the SLCC Breakfast, even the biggest opponent of Cannabis may have second thoughts.

Cannibas (marijuana) is a plant that has been used for centuries as a natural way to relieve pain, to relax, and get high. It an alternative to the highly addictive opioids.
Medical Marijuana and Chronic Pain
There are more than 100 cannabinoids, or natural chemicals, in marijuana. Each of them works a little bit differently in the human body. There are two cannabinoids known as CBD and THC that help pain management. CBD has recently been legalized but because THC makes you high, it’s hasn’t yet been approved, though both have benefits that can help people control pain.
THCV: Strongly psychoactive (inducers a euphoric high). More strongly psychoactive than THC, but the duration of effects is about half as long. Typically occurs in only trace amounts in cannabis. Pronounced energetic effects. Found to effectively counter anxiety, stress, and panic disorders without suppressing emotion. Reduces Tremors associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders. Diminishes appetite. Stimulates bone growth.
CBDV – Non-psychoactive (does not induce a euphoric high). Demonstrates promise in treating seizures
CBN – Mildly to non-intoxicating (does not induce a euphoric high). Typically occurs in only trace amounts in cannabis. Occurs as a result of THC degradation. Most sedating of all the cannabinoids. Demonstrates promise in treating insomnia, glaucoma, and pain.
CBD/THC are alternatives to prescription medications like opioids for chronic pain conditions. It hasn’t yet been proven to cure but does relieve the side-effects of a wide variety of illnesses including cancer, neurological disorders, seizures, arthritis. It’s an alternative to some highly addictive pharma drugs (opioids) and, though the research is ongoing, it may prove to become the natural drug of choice.
There are many ways to use Cannabis. You can smoke it, eat it, or apply it as an ointment. CBDs are legal and can be purchased over the counter, however, Dr. Paez advises that CBDs should be bought from a reliable source. The South Lake Pain Institute, located at 2440 Hooks Street, Clermont, can advise and prescribe. He also mentioned Luckys as a reliable place to purchase CBDs.
An officer from the Lake County’s Sherrif’s department won the morning’s raffle — a caramel CBD candy (It’s legal!)