Would you know what to do if a Tornado Warning occurred right now?  Where is the safe location in your building?  How would you get to that location?  Today, January 29, the Lake County Office of Emergency Management encourages everyone to participate in The Great Tornado Drill either by discussion or actual movement to your tornado safe location.  Tornado drill participants are encouraged to share photos of their protective actions on social media with the hashtag #LCTornadoDrill for an opportunity to be featured.

At 10:00 am, AlertLake was activated to inform AlertLake registrants to move to their tornado safe location. At the same time, the National Weather Service pushed out a tornado drill announcement during the required weekly NOAA weather radio test.

NOTE: Many NOAA weather radios will *NOT* automatically alert during a Routine Weekly Test.  To hear the tornado drill announcement, listeners will have to manually turn on their NOAA weather radios to listen to the broadcast message.

While tornadoes can occur at any time, February and March are known for the most violent tornadoes in the State of Florida.  If you have any questions about the drill, please contact  352-343-9420.

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