by Marty Proctor
The City of Groveland Council returned the 400+ homes at Indigo Lakes planned project, located on the former “Mansion” property at Villa City Road (CR565), to the Groveland Planning and Zoning (P&Z) for review and clarification at the City Council meeting on February 18. The property’s Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) allow for up to 450 homes on 155 gross acres/66 net acres.
The P&Z had voted 3-2 recommending denial of Ordinance 2019-55 on February 6, 2020. Some of the primary concerns included monotonous housing with no diversity of housing types (single-family only); a majority of narrow lot widths of 40 and 50 feet; side yard setbacks of 5 feet; and front-loaded garages dominating the facades of the homes.
After extensive negotiations with the applicant’s team at the City Council meeting, the developer’s team presented their request to amend the current PUD to allow for additional single-family residential lots with reduced setbacks and changes to other development standards. They listed items they wished to amend from their current PUD.
The City Council followed up with many questions to staff and the developer regarding the specific details of the PUD. Public comments came from several area residents.
After deliberation, council voted 4-1 to return the developer’s plans to the P&Z Board to allow for a more complete evaluation of the rapidly changing PUD.
The next P&Z Board meeting is scheduled for March 5 at 6 pm at the Puryear Building, 243 South Lake Avenue in Groveland.

Marty Proctor is a writer for the South Lake Tablet covering Groveland and the surrounding area. His primary interests are the local impact of city and county government, local growth management, tracking area charitable groups and sharing factual information. Marty is a long-time resident on Lake Emma north of Groveland doing public information consulting, social media marketing and freelance writing as well as fishing, bowling, and caring for wife Julie and dachshund Georgia.