by Marty Proctor
The South Lake Dixie Youth Baseball League (SLDYB) had its opening day on Saturday morning March 7. The event kicked off at 9:30 am with team pictures followed by a series of opening games. Vice Mayor Mike Radzik and Parks Director (and former Major League Baseball pitcher) Mike Walker threw out the ceremonial first pitches. Radzik was right in the strike zone. Walker missed the catcher completely. “I guess I need to spend a little more time on the field with the kids” joked Walker. He added, “opening day of the baseball season is one of the true All American events. The kids are very excited and you always remember those days, the coaches, teammates…no matter how the season ends.”

The league is a competitive and instructional baseball league for youths from 4 to 12 years old. They are based in Groveland at the Jimmy Thomas (JT) Memorial Park fields at 150 Pomelo Street, Groveland. The league has been in existence since 1970 and has blossomed in the last few years. League Treasurer Margie Jones said, “The City of Groveland has been very supportive, especially with the backing of City Manager Mike Hein and Parks Director Mike Walker. She added, “the City has turned the program totally around. They work with us to keep the field in very good shape.”
On a chilly March opening day, the concession was very busy getting the league finances off to a good start. The league tries to keep registration prices low by relying on the community through sponsorships and concession stand purchases. “The City even replaced aging equipment in the concession stand,” said Jones.
The number 1 goal of the league is to work together with the City to give the kids after school activities. This keeps them busy and out of trouble. Playing baseball by the rules with dedicated volunteer managers and within the confines of the field teaches respect, problem-solving skills, and how to be part of a team to achieve a common goal. There are even opportunities for the players to get on the field with the Tampa Bay Rays.

SLDYB Lindsey Knowles, President; Scott Jones, Vice President; Kari Carnes, Margie Jones, Treasurer; and general board members Danielle Jones, Melissa Cassell, Joe Schairer, Wes Carnes, and Roger Knowles, as well as Groveland City officials, Mike Walker, Director Parks, Facilities, and Community Services; Councilmembers Mike Smith, Dina Sweatt, and Vice Mayor Mike Radzik were at the opening day of the baseball season to cheer for the teams.