King Hermant after a triumphant run

Whether you like to run or not, there is no doubt it makes you feel alive.  And while running is one of the easiest ways to get the heart rate up & be active, it is a lifestyle for many here in the Clermont area.  Longtime run coach Hemant Hariprashad definitely fits this mold.  And to all of those that have run for “Coach Hemant”, he is a coach like no other.  His positive nature mixed with his always encouraging smile brings out the most in all his athletes.  Hariprashad caught us up to speed with his coaching, career, & even his own running after coaching this author through some Monday night intervals.

Tablet:  Tell us a little about your background as an athlete and coach.

Hariprashad: About fifteen years ago, I started running; and very soon after I started leading (coaching) a run group at the National Training Center (NTC).  I fell in love with running because it is one of the simplest fitness activities you can do; all you need is a pair of shoes, some running shorts, and you are good to go.  It is easy and you don’t have to think much about what you’re doing.

Tablet:  How did you get into coaching?

Hariprashad: When I started at the NTC, I was given the opportunity to coach running.  I really took it as a challenge to grow that program cause I knew how much running meant to me.  A lot of talented runners passed through those NTC classes that are still extremely active today.  And while I still coach some of them, I am just as proud of the people that made it their lifestyle after the class ended.

Athlete Sandra Poreda and Coach Hemant

Tablet:  You have been coaching adult athletes in Clermont for some time now.  What do you like most about coaching and what do you get out of it personally?

Hariprashad: I love to hear the success stories.  It is awesome to catch up with an athlete two years later and they have really grown as a runner.  They tell you they completed their first marathon and how much influence I had on them early on.  It feels pretty good to know you played a big part in their running and health; that is priceless for me!

Tablet:  You’ve traveled near and far to races all over the southeast and even all over the country.  What has been your favorite experience as a runner?

Hariprashad: Destination races are such a passion of mine.  I love to see America through different races.  My favorite thus far is the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C.  This patriotic race was very special to me personally as it was the 40th edition of the race & I just happened to turn 40 right around that same time. Another race I will always remember is Big Sur In California.  So scenic and just an amazing experience.  Races can be such a unique experience.

Tablet:  What is your typical weekend day schedule?

Post parkrun with fans

Hariprashad: 7am, Saturday my run group meets for our long run; either at Waterfront Park or a long run in conjunction with parkrun.  After that, I’ll get a bike ride in or paddle on the kayak.  After a second workout, I wind down and relax with friends for the rest of the afternoon.

Tablet:  Back in October, you revitalized your run group; now the Dash Run Club (DRC).  Tell us a little bit about the DRC.

Dash Run Club before Monday Intervals

Hariprashad:  Kevin and Kimberly approached me about starting the Dash Run Club. They really wanted me to head up the coaching component of it and make it my own.  We are slowly growing into an amazing group of runners and friends.  We meet three times a week for three different types of workouts.  The atmosphere is very welcoming toward newcomers and also seasoned veteran runners.  It’s very exciting for me to be part!

Tablet:  What would you tell a new runner that might be interested in joining your group?

Hariprashad: There are all different ages and ability levels.  We welcome anyone that wants to be active and just have fun.  You will get your workout in but again it’s gonna be a lot of fun!  It’s really cool to see the friendships that are forming in the group as well.  Whatever level you might be, even if you have never run in your life, I encourage you to give my group a try.

Tablet: What is a final thought as we wrap up this interview with you Coach Hemant?

Hariprashad: Fitness is a huge part of my life and I happen to love to run too.  I really just want to share this with the community.  There isn’t a day out there when I feel like I am going to work; I genuinely love what I do.  I am here to help and give back to the south Lake community; it’s my honor and privilege to do so.

For more information on the Dash Run Club

Kimberly and Kevin Grogan, owners of Dash-Sports

Kevin Grogan is a contributing sportswriter for the. South Lake Tablet. Kevin and Kimberly are owners of Dash-Sports 

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