Janet and husband Dave Hawkins

Recently, the sisters of Beta Theta mourned the loss of Janet Hawkins, an active member of Beta Theta for 24 years. Her positive can-do attitude played a vital role in the heart of Beta Theta’s existence. She will be truly missed by her Beta Theta sisters. This year’s Mardi Gras event will be held in her honor.

Janet is not alone: Over the 42 years, the sorority has lost 8 sisters: Nancy Hettinger, Dayle Matthews, Virginia Roane, Neta Hendricks, Ann Dupee, Bonnie McGuire, Betty Meadows and our beautiful Janet. “These amazing women will, no doubt, be looking down upon us as we prepare and host this year’s Mardi Gras”, said member Michelle Delaney.

Beta Theta has 21 members who up to the day before their big fundraiser on March 14th, were working to make there 16th Annual Mardi Gras the best and most successful fundraiser to date.

Beta Theta Postpones Mardi Gras – Toni Bell, a long-time member of Beta Theta said, “The decision to postpone the fundraiser was difficult to make but we needed to take preventative measures to ensure the well-being of our guests”.

Janice Senninger, the event chairwoman commented, “Our guests are our top priority. Our hope is that the coronavirus will run its course quickly and we can set a new date for our event as soon as possible”.

Women of Beta Theta – Cathy Bateham, Toni Bell-Rescoe, Michelle Delaney, Karen Geladies, Lisa Graham, Lucy Hage, Barb Henry, Donna Kidder, Joan Kyle, Eleanor Lofgren, Diann Lovette, Sandra Martin, Suzanne McClure, Terry Moherek, Pat Moore, Corinne Odenheimer, Janice Senninger, Rosetta Shobe, Sandie Stacy, Jackie Ulch and Ann Whitlock will continue to seek donations, sponsorship and support from the community.

Beta Theta says, “The more money we raise, the more we can give back to the community”.

Giving back to the community is a fundamental belief of the sisters of Beta Theta.

Beta Theta has held community fundraisers since 1979.

Beta Theta Members Left Joan Kyle, Donna Kidder, far-right Jackie Ulch donates to Haven of Lake and Sumter.

Below are only a few of the organizations supported by Beta Theta: Boys and Girls Club, Building Blocks Ministries, Cooper Memorial Library, Faith Neighborhood Center, Haven of Lake and Sumter, Head Start, Hospice of Lake and Sumter and Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation/Bras for a Cause.

Last year over $4,500 was awarded in high school scholarships.

Beta Theta also provided donations to other organizations that impact the South Lake Community including St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Easter Seals and Ronald McDonald House.

Beta Theta Member Terry Moherek with Boyd Bruce, Cooper Memorial Library Director

The sisters contribute to the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind at St. Augustine, as well as canteen funding for a student.  The canteen fund project began more than 35 years ago and has continued throughout the years.  Beta Theta chooses a young student in need and replenishes the student’s canteen fund quarterly and sends gifts throughout the year. Beta Theta continues to support the child throughout her years at the school (K-graduation). As with traditional schools, graduations can be costly but Beta Theta has worked to make magical, lasting memories for their girls.

Beta Theta brings Christmas gifts to the residents of Leisure Manor and contributes to Wreath Across America. Beta Theta’s most important project, Sisters Caring for Sisters.


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