by Marty Proctor
Mariah Wallis, a 6th generation resident off Clermont, has started a new local charity called “Clermont Compassion” (CC). In her first three months, she has touched many people here in south Lake County either directly or indirectly.
Mariah is hoping to inspire others to give to local projects and create a larger impact of service to the community; thus founded Clermont Compassion in January of 2020.
She wanted to focus on something positive in her life during stressful times. Little did she know how stressful the times would get and how much the need would grow. “This project has consumed my soul with such love and excitement for future givings,” she said.
The unique aspect of this undertaking is that every month’s project is dedicated to a different cause or awareness campaign. Projects may be chosen because of specific events or efforts happening in our community. There is also the opportunity to join national awareness months, holidays, or event-driven outreach programs. The main driver is to inspire and create positive impacts through community giving and acts of kindness.
To help understand her motivation, she describes her mission saying, “as a 6th generation Clermontian, I’ve always had a passion for the history and community of Clermont, FL. I feel we all sometimes need a reminder to love one another. If we see good, we should share good.”
In January, a small mountain of dog food, pet supplies, and toys went to the South Lake Animal League.
February brought Valentine Flowers for South Lake Hospital patients.
Most recently in March, a much-needed gift of 170+ pounds of food, diapers, and other necessities was given to Faith Neighborhood Center in Groveland.

Mariah has a genuine and selfless desire to help others. Her timely gifts are most welcome in these days of rare and unique distress and stress. Mariah Wallis and Clermont Compassion can be reached at or message Clermont Compassion on FaceBook.