Our office continues to operate via phone, email, regular mail, fax, and online as we continue to suspend public access to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you need to drop off some materials to our office, feel free to use the drop box located in our parking lot that is usually reserved for returning vote-by-mail ballots. This box is checked each day and is under 24/7 camera surveillance.

Since many of you are now finding time on your hands and want to take care of all those things you have been putting off, why not take a moment, click the button below, and become familiar with our website?  You can review our frequently asked questions page and use it as a learning tool while your children are home from school. You could create a virtual scavenger hunt. Ask them when the next election is scheduled and give them a certain time to find the answer on our site.  Ask them how old you must be to register to vote and how a closed primary state impacts a voter who registers with a minor party or chooses no party affiliation. This civics lesson could prove valuable regardless of the age of your students.

We continue to prepare for the remaining 2020 elections. We are working with our counterparts through the Florida Supervisor of Elections Association to create ways to better serve you during this difficult time. Our office is also reaching out to the Governor and legislative members regarding options as we plan for the August 18th Primary and the November 3rd General Election. These are things we are doing right now to prepare.

Some things you can do now are register to vote, check your registration status, confirm that your party affiliation is correct, and that we have your current address on file. You can also check the status of your vote-by-mail ballot request. Making any corrections and updates now while there is plenty of time to get everything correct prior to Election Day will help ensure future elections run smoothly.  Checking all these items is easy; just click Voter Information to use the voter information lookup tool on our website.

Voting by mail is one method we can all use to ensure social distancing and manage crowds on Election Day.  Making the decision to vote by mail now will allow you to plan and be prepared for the upcoming elections.  Requests can be updated via phone at 352.343.9734 by clicking the Vote-By-Mail link. Updating your signature to ensure we have a current signature on file when we process your vote-by-mail ballot is a very important step to help us promptly process your ballot when you return it to our office.

Signature updates may be made by clicking Signature-UpdateYou may then download a hard-copy registration form from our website, make your signature update, and then mail it to our office. Consider making a copy of your signed registration form and keep it on hand to review when you get ready to return your mail ballot. Rest assured our goal is for every vote to be counted, and we must be able to match your signature on the return envelope with your signature on file. We encourage you again to take care of these things now so you will not have any issues in August or November. Taking this proactive approach and making your updates now is very helpful.

Please continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and stay safe.  We will all get through this together, and we are looking forward to brighter days.


Alan Hays, DMD, MFCEP
Lake County Supervisor

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