Pictured L-R: Amanda Nethero, Kalena Meyers, David Colby and Shahanaz Rahaman

By Kevin Grogan,

Times have been stressful on all of the local Lake small businesses these past two months.  The South Lake Chamber of Commerce (SLCC) understands this and has taken it upon themselves to help.  Right from the start, Chamber President and CEO David Colby did not waste any time putting his relief plan into action. Colby has led the Chamber for some five years now and works extremely hard at making area businesses successful especially during these difficult times like the present.  With that said, this was an ideal time to chat with David Colby.

Young David Colby

Tablet: Tell us a little bit about growing up in New Hampshire.

Colby:  I spent a lot of my childhood enjoying the outdoors. We were cross country skiing, swimming in the lake, playing pond hockey, and participating in every outdoor sport imaginable. I earned my clothing and spending money by working on the family Blueberry and Christmas Tree farm. My grandfather was a perfectionist who insisted that there should not be squashed blueberries on the ground, that goal taught me the value of hard work and attention to detail.

Tablet: We are all experiencing challenging times, but it is especially difficult for small businesses and businesses in general. What things has the Chamber been doing do support your members and boost morale?

Colby:  The local business community has united during this challenge and are doing their best to rise to the occasion, thinking out of the box and supporting each other to keep moving forward in a positive way. The Chamber continues to be a voice, supporting our members and community by sharing information that is critical to small business’ survival, using technology to connect in new ways such as virtual coffee hours and webinars, and encouraging people to buy local. Shop Local has always been a key focus for us, and now more than ever, an important concept we must all embrace to keep a strong local economy.

Tablet: What message does the Chamber want to share with the community and the businesses as we all struggle?

Colby: There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are in this together and need to stay strong to weather this storm – this is temporary. We are poised for a robust comeback when this is over, and we can all contribute to a successful rebound by buying local to strengthening relationships with local businesses.

Tablet:  You arrived at your job at South Lake Chamber of Commerce in May of 2016. What does a Chamber of Commerce do and what are some of your responsibilities?


Clermont Police Charles Broadway, Lake County Commissioner Sean Parks and South Lake Chamber of Commerce David Colby

Colby:  A Chamber of Commerce is a membership network and advocacy organization that supports and furthers the interests of our local community’s businesses. Business owners join the Chamber to advocate on behalf of the business community. As President and CEO of the Chamber, I work with a team of professional staff and volunteers to help local businesses be more successful. We work hard to deliver the information, connections and support that will help ensure their success. We help solve problems, identify opportunities and facilitate activities that will enrich our entire South Lake community.

Tablet:  Tell us why you enjoy living here in South Lake and what you miss most about the northeast.

David Colvy

Colby:  I really enjoy the year-round outdoor lifestyle that this area provides. There are endless activities and adventures to take advantage of close to our new home in Florida. I do miss some of the people and places that were in our area in New York, especially the change of seasons, but we visit often.

Tablet: What would you tell a local business owner thinking about joining your Chamber?

Colby:  The South Lake Chamber of Commerce has a dynamic, active network of more than 700 local businesses who truly support one another. We provide tremendous value to all of our members, from small independent proprietors to large companies and corporations and encourage anyone with questions to contact the Chamber to learn more about what we have to offer and how we can help you.

Tablet:  What is your ideal weekend day?

David Colby and wife Andrea Colby

Colby:  I would spend two hours biking on the South Lake Trail, enjoy a coffee while catching up on local news, complete a yard chore or two, savor lunch at a local restaurant, take a Jetski ride, walk on a beach, have a family dinner, capped off by some live music.

Tablet:    Finally, what does the future hold for South Lake and David Colby?

Colby: I have faith that the future holds more exciting, well-planned growth to further create local prosperity in South Lake. The stars are aligned for an amazing future, and I truly believe the best is yet to come.



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