Following COVID-19 virus guidelines, newly installed Beta Theta president Toni Toni Bell-Rescoe and her board were installed via ZOOM

Every year, the women of Beta Theta hold a ceremony to install elected officers.  Due to the COVID-19 virus, the 21 members held their installation of officers for the first time ever on ZOOM.

Beta Theta ESA was established in 1979; its mission was and still is to provide community service. Four of the original 17 members are still active in Beta Theta; Toni Bell-Rescoe, Michelle Delaney, Eleanor Lofgren, and Terry Moherek.

Michelle Delaney, a Beta Theta past president, installed the 2020-2021 president and her board on ZOOM

Considering that many of the members have never used ZOOM, the installation went quite well.  Lisa Graham wrote the installation and Michelle Delaney installed the 2020 officers: Toni Bell, President;  Sandie Stacy, Vice President; Diann Lovette, Treasurer; Jackie Ulch, Recording Secretary; Cathy Bateham, Corresponding Secretary; Lisa Graham, Educational Director; and Patricia Moore, Parliamentarian.

Toni, a retired educator, contributed to the education of generations of students during her 35 years as a guidance counselor/educator. She shared her passion for the arts by teaching Arts Appreciation, English, and Literature as well as Music and Drama by directing school plays. Because of her love of the arts, it was fitting that Toni chose as her theme “Women in the Arts”, celebrating and honoring women artists, performers, and artwork created by women.

Zoom Installation



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