by Michelle Delaney
Early this morning, hundreds of cars lined up with drivers and passengers waiting to be tested for the COVID virus at Real Life Christian Church, 1501 Steve’s Road, Clermont.
Many individuals who test positive will show no signs of disease (asymptomatic), others will suffer only flu-like symptoms and recover, but others may need to be hospitalized and some may die. Regardless of your symptoms, you can quickly pass the virus along to family, friends, and loved ones with only a sneeze or cough.

It’s now apparent that Florida is one of the hot spots for those testing positive for the COVID virus. Today, Florida’s positive cases rose to over 146,000, an increase of 5,266 in a day. To date, there has been 1,252 confirmed cases of COVID in Lake County.
Scientists are working to find a vaccine but, in the meantime, there are a few precautions such as wearing a face mask to protect others from contaminated respiratory droplets that enter the air, practicing social distancing, and washing hands often, will help prevent the spread.
Doctors, dentists, nurses, healthcare providers have always worn masks to prevent the spread of germs. The concept is not new so why is the wearing of a facemask so disturbing to some? If wearing a facemask can help prevent the spread of COVID or any communicable disease, why would anyone be against it?
Everyone wants to get back to normal but perhaps normal isn’t what it was in 2019. Instead of looking back, we need to look ahead. Start today uniting to build a stronger, healthier future.
We are all in this together, so let’s stop defining what each of us wants and determine what is best for our Nation.
(Photos courtesy of Patrick Delaney)