Pictured L-R: Ambria Benjamin, Larissa Foxx, Aidan Corrie, Dr. Kasey C. Kesselring, Montverde Academy Head of School, Rosy Mills, Harold Mills, Aiden Bjortvedt, Jordan Rodriguez, and Logan Lopez

The Daniel Mills Conservatory Scholarship provides support for students pursuing Theatre.

The Mills family has established the Daniel Mills Theatre Conservatory Scholarship to provide scholarships for Montverde Academy students enrolled in the Theatre Conservatory to support their passion to pursuing the arts. The scholarship honors and celebrates the memory of Daniel Mills, who tragically passed away in May 2020.

“We’re honored to assist in the fulfillment of students’ dreams,” said Mr. Harold Mills. “It’s exactly what Daniel would have wanted.”

The scholarship was conceived by Vanessa and Maya Mills who, with the support of their parents, Rosy and Harold Mills, established this generous scholarship fund to see passion for the arts continue to grow at Montverde Academy. The family and the Academy are developing application guidelines and requirements for the program going forward.

“Daniel loved the arts,” said Vanessa Mills. “He made his home on the stage and his family in the cast and crew. Daniel would want nothing more than to see his family achieve their dreams. I’m so glad we’re able to have Daniel live on through Troupe 3977.”

“There’s so much sadness, but it’s amazing how Daniel is leaving behind such a legacy,” said Maya Mills. “Thank you to everyone who is helping us make it happen. It’s all we can do.”

The family was eager to provide support for recipients for the 2020-21 school year and selected inaugural year recipients based on the criteria of demonstrated need, academic achievement and commitment to the arts and Theatre Conservatory programs. This year’s recipients of the Daniel Mills Conservatory Scholarship are: Ambria Benjamin, Aiden Bjortvedt, Aidan Corrie, Larissa Foxx, Logan Lopez, and Jordan Rodriguez.

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