Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt

Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, Oakley Seaver Special Service Award (presented by the South Lake Chamber of Commerce)

The Oakley Seaver Special Service Award, named after a beloved South Lake figure who dedicated his life to community service, recognizes a nonprofit business, club, organization, educational institution or healthcare facility that has contributed significantly to the community and created a lasting impact or benefit.

Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt is a physician in the south Lake community practicing at the Pur Clinic located inside South Lake Hospital.  Dr. Brahmbhatt is an in-demand physician, seeing hundreds of patients each month, yet he balances his commitment to the community and pours a significant amount of volunteer time into the south Lake Community.

Dr. Brahmbhatt serves on the South Lake Hospital Medical Executive Board and as Chief of Surgery, both volunteer roles. In addition, Dr. Brahmbhatt co-founded Drive for Men’s Health, an annual event in June whereby he and his partner use their platforms to encourage men to take charge of their health. This is a global event that has drawn incredible awareness to South Lake and awareness to men’s health.

The Doctor can always be found volunteering his time by speaking to community and youth groups encouraging members of our community to lead healthier and active lifestyles. He uses himself as an example of someone who transformed his own health through exercise and diet. In the past year, he has spoken to dozens of local community groups, including Lake Leadership and Orlando Leadership groups.

A few years ago, the Doctor created the STAR Program. Through this program, high school students are inspired to excel in their careers through science, technology and robotics.

Dr. Brahmbhatt is also very involved with New Beginnings of Central Florida. He has spent countless hours with staff and volunteers at New Beginnings to understand how the organization works.

He has recently begun filming a documentary about the growing homelessness and affordable housing crisis in Central Florida. He hired a film crew and took to the streets of Central Florida to research, analyze and highlight this crisis, all at his expense. The documentary will be released soon.

Congratulations Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt on receiving the 2020 Oakley Seaver Special Service Award.


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