The Clermont Downtown Partnership has just announced its new 2020-2021 Board of Directors. The CDP is a not-for-profit association of small business owners in and around the downtown Clermont area.

CDP Board: The newly elected CDP Board has Kimberly Grogan from Dash Sports as President, Darren Johnson as Vie President from the Clermont Brewing Company, Keith Mullins, Treasurer from Bacchus Vino, Angelina Affrunti of Corelli’s Pantry as Secretary. Other current elected and previously appointed CDP Board Members include Tammy McCoy from Ritter’s Frozen Custard, David Affrunti of Corelli’s Restaurants, Barbara Rajcula from The Broom Tree, Downs of Suncreek Brewery, Lisa Harris of the South Lake Art League, Larry Oskin of Marketing Solutions and Sandy Farnsworth as Executive Director.

Upcoming CDP Events: The Sunday Farmer Market is back in action and will soon increase from 50 to 65+ vendors. The First Friday Food Truck events will start again in November and December. Candy Cane Lane will be held on November 14. Plans are underway for a new ‘That’s A Wrap’ event to support the Clermont community with gift wrapping services and to charitably support our local Kiwanis Club

Explore The New Advantages Of Downtown Clermont! The Clermont Downtown Partnership creates a positive community spirit with extra special events and business opportunities to celebrate Clermont. As a not-for-profit, they offer the Sunday Farmer’s Market, Home & Vintage Show, the Fall Harvest Festival, Candy Cane Lane Arts & Crafts Show, First Fridays, Music On Montrose, Mega Food Truck Events and much more. Their special free community events bring thousands of local area residents and tourists to enjoy downtown Clermont each year. The money received from vendors and sponsors for Clermont Downtown Partnership events is also used to promote additional activities and marketing to help promote Downtown Clermont.

Join Your Clermont Downtown Partnership!  Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this great opportunity to network with other business owners, promote your business and to help our community by becoming an active member. We will be having a membership event in January with all-new levels and benefits with details to be announced soon. You can get involved with their Marketing, Membership, and Special Events Committees. CDP member meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of each month from 8 to 9:30 AM.

For membership and sponsorship information, visit and contact Sandy Farnsworth 352-617-8788 or email Kimberly Grogan at and Sandy Farnsworth at

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