By Kevin Grogan, DashSports

Moving into a new town like Minneola can be challenging. Starting over in most aspects of your life simply put, takes time. That is unless you just take the leap and jump right into it! Jeff Schmelz has done that. Schmelz has only lived here since July but he is already known to most runners and triathletes around town. Whether he is volunteering at just about every local endurance event in the area since he has arrived or leading his Thursday night walking and running group, his time here has been very well spent. We got to chat with Schmelz this last week during a tempo run near Victory Pointe.

Tablet: What is your athletic background from childhood to where you are today?

Schmelz: Although I have always loved sports, I struggled to participate as a child due to various physical issues.  My parents were swim coaches, so I did a lot of swimming but was never fast enough to win any races.  As a result, I found myself working to overcome my general lack of physical ability/ athleticism and find ways to contribute and enjoy sports as much as possible.  I have been doing running, cycling and triathlon for the past 25 years.

Tablet: What is your fitness philosophy as a coach?

Schmelz: I believe that fitness and sports are for everyone, so I strive to show that anyone can participate and enjoy fitness activities if they choose.  Too often people feel that if they are not able to excel at an activity, they just don’t belong doing it.  I was once like this myself.  When it was suggested 26 years ago that I join my co-workers for a 5k, I laughed and said no thanks.  I was nearly 300 pounds and, although I had already lost more than 50 pounds, I still didn’t think I had any business being at a 5k.  I was wrong. Even though I was dead last there were people cheering me on and giving me high fives. They told me how great I did and how awesome I was.  That day showed me how great a sense of accomplishment can be and changed my life.  Anyone willing to show up and try their best will always have my full support as a coach.

Tablet: What would you tell a person looking to start making exercise a priority?

Schmelz: Be realistic. Be forgiving. Be consistent.  When you begin anything new, it is important to be realistic with your goals.  If you have not exercised in years, don’t make exercising every day for an hour your goal.  Start slow and easy.  Go for a walk. Do some simple calisthenics for 5 or 10 minutes every other day.  Give yourself time to adapt and improve.  With any new endeavor, mistakes will be made, and setbacks will occur. This is ok! Be prepared to forgive yourself if you miss a workout or cheat a little with your eating.  Just don’t quit!  Long-term consistency is far more important than short term compliance or intensity.  Keep focused on the long-term goal of being a happier and healthier version of yourself.

Tablet: Why do you think a walking group is needed in this area?

Schmelz: From personal, as well as professional experience, I know that it is easy to be intimidated by those that are more fit and athletic.  Even now, after more than 25 year of running, I get a little self-conscious when I encounter thin, fast runners while out on my runs.  As such, I know that some people hear of a running store hosting group outings and immediately think ‘Nope, not for me, I’m not a runner. I’m too slow, others will judge me.’   My hope is to show people that the city of Clermont self-tagged the City of Champions, welcomes and celebrates EVERYONE on their journey to their fitness goals, regardless of how they choose to get there or how fast they go.  Just get moving

Tablet: What would you say is your proudest athletic accomplishment?

Schmelz: I don’t think there is any one event that I am most proud of.  For me, I take great pride in being able to say that I have never backed away from a challenge. Despite not being blessed with natural athleticism I have found a way to accomplish so many things that others thought impossible.  A marathon? Yes!  An Ironman? Yep!  Ride a bicycle across the country? Yeah, that too. I have never been the best at anything athletic, but I am always willing to try and will always give it my best.

Tablet: Tell us a little about what we would expect if they were to come and join the group for the first time?

Schmelz: The run/walk group at Dash Sports is a great group of fun and supportive people.  My wife and I have made many new friends in our few months of living here simply by coming to Dash Sports each week. As to the coaching aspect, everyone should expect to be asked about their goal. Why do you want to join? How can I help you accomplish this?  I want to be a tool and resource that club members use to make achieving their goals as smooth and easily as possible. Every person should expect to receive information, motivation, and encouragement both from myself and the other coaches as well as the members of the group.

Tablet: Why do you consider your new home near the South Lake Trail an ideal location?

Schmelz: As both my wife, Kristin and I are very active, being right on the trail is super convenient for us to walk, run or ride regularly.  The new house is only a half-mile from the local dog park and a mile from the swimming beach, which helps keep us and our dog Reacher moving.  Being on the path and maintaining the water station has also given us the opportunity to meet many more of our neighbors.

Tablet: What do you like the most about living in south Lake County

Schmelz: Kristin and I specifically chose the Clermont area for its active community and small-town feel. The idea of being able to exercise and be outdoors pretty much year-round was a huge factor for my wife and me  We look forward to enjoying all the local events and activities (parkrun, Food Trucks, Festivals etc. )with our new community once the pandemic subsides.

Coach Jeff Scmelz can be found at any of the Dash Run Club workouts. For more information please visit:

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