Comments From the Editor

Why do Floridians always set themselves up for frustration and accept mediocracy at best?

Since the pandemic began in March, residents have endured long lines to be COVID tested and, in some cases, waited up to a month for results. Four of my family members never received results. They could have been spreaders, no one will ever know.

Getting laid off during the pandemic was devastating but filing for unemployment was stressful and demoralizing. Getting on the website took patience and determination but to have the site freeze or crash was overwhelming.

People in need await food from FAITH Neighborhood Center

With layoffs came something that many never thought they would experience, waiting in long lines at food banks, and the realization that everything that they worked for might be lost.

Floridians are resilient but how much can a person withstand? So many have lost so much during the pandemic.

The holidays arrived and people were asked to stay home and avoid crowds. Some ignored the warnings and traveled but others couldn’t even afford to place food on their table or a toy under the tree. Community involvement saved Christmas for many.

It has to get better!  Yesterday, the US Senate and House finally agreed to provide relief to US households! Perception is everything. Though many are grateful for any monetary assistance they get; it was perceived by some as if the government was begrudgingly doling out a small pittance to quiet their constituents.

Also yesterday, the Lake County Department of Health announced that the COVID vaccine was available for high-risk, frontline health care workers and those 65 and older. The beginning of normalcy?

After a brief happy dance, I called to make my appointment for the vaccine. The phone line was busy. I was not going to let that deter the excitement I felt.  Life would finally go back to a time when I wouldn’t have to constantly be reminded of gloom and doom. I would be able to see people smile? and wear lipstick.

After 2-days of consistantly trying to reach the number that was provided to schedule an appointment, and hearing the same recording, I was struck with the realization that Florida, once again, hadn’t figured it out. Getting vaccinated would be an unpleasant, chaotic ordeal.

Floridians are accustomed to wait-times, afterall, many work and play at Disney World. Yet, what Floridians have been experiencing since the beginning of the pandemic is close to hopelessness: website crashes, inefficient call centers, long lines, a 99% chance of never getting a call returned, and a big lack of service and satisfaction.

It’s about time that Florida leaders admit they don’t know what they are doing and ask for help from the people trained to provide the customer service, efficiency and crowd control needed to run a well-managed organization…I would SUGGEST that they hire the WELL-TRAINED DISNEY’S FURLOUGHED AND LAID OFF CAST. They can create MAGIC!

I believe that 2021 will be better.

Previous articleREVISED: No Appointments Necessary To Receive The COVID-19 Vaccine. During Phase One The Vaccine Is Available For High-Risk Frontline Health Care Workers And Those 65 And Older
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