Article and photos by Larry Oskin

Lisa Harris, President and Kathy Henderson, Show Director of the South Lake Art League (SLAL) announced the opening of their newest Winter 2021 High School Student Art Show.
With coordinated help from Jennifer Viola, the South Lake High School art teacher and Nesly Lattore, the East Ridge High School art teacher, this art show will be on display through March 3, 2021. There are over 40 pieces of art on display for visual enjoyment.
The South Lake Art League and those attending the kick-off of the art show observed all COVID safety guidelines but briefly dropped their masks to display smiling faces along with awesome works of art.

Teacher Nesley Lattore of East Ridge HS noted, “This art show is a wonderful opportunity. We have some artistic students here in Clermont who are excited to showcase their talents”.
Young artist Lily Harrelson was proud to share two of her artistic submissions, noting, “I want to become a concept artist someday! I want to let my ideas come to life and flow on to the paper for others to see.”
Sophomore Alana Jones shared, “I enjoy my Mixed Media art course. My creative piece illustrates 6 of my daily routines, as shown with a collage of construction paper, pen and ink.” Jones previously earned first place in a Citrus Tower art competition.
Alice Benyo noted, “I am really happy to be studying the Pre-AP Visual Arts course as I aspire to be a professional artist someday.”
Teacher Jennifer Viola of South Lake High added, “We are very proud of all our art students and we look forward to more student art shows like this at the South Lake Art League Gallery.”
The East Ridge High School Artists include Tyrel McClinton, Alaena Nall, Brianna Rodriguez, Alice Benyo, Jeannine Demillones, Rebekah Brenton, Annabella Ziegler, Kiara Garrison, Melanie Najera, Lily Harrelson, Alana Jones, Sophia Caputo, Janny Truong, Camila Coronado, Rocco Cimino and Amanda Ashley.
The South Lake High School Artists include Kailin Curtsinger, Katelyn Marte, Christian Huertas, Juliette Perez, Princessa Armas, Penelope Waters, Duncan Orusalu, Hannah Albertson, Nia Hart-Ross, Tamaya Cox, Kendra Giehl, Faith Taylor, Kiri Roy, Lili Suero, Tatiana Dominguez, Matthew Roth and Shenell Headly.
Vote For Your Favorites! To help honor these local students, all SLAL Gallery visitors are invited to vote on their favorite pieces of art.
The SOUTH LAKE TABLET congratulates our local student artists.
Coming Up – The SLAL will soon be opening a new fine art photography show that will be open to the community. The entry fee for non-members to enter this photography show is only $10 per photo. Up to three photos allowed per person. Entry forms can be picked up at the art gallery starting Feb. 7th.

South Lake Junior Art League: All local community artists are invited to an open Junior Art League informational meeting that will take place on Saturday morning, February 6, starting at 10 AM at the gallery. The purpose of the Junior Art League will be to help get our younger local community members involved in the arts. The ages for the Junior League will be high school and college-age members. SLAL is now planning to host several other student art shows per year, starting with our local middle and elementary schools.
South Lake Art League membership is open to all local artists The Clermont art gallery offers two-member art shows in the spring and fall and two different member fine art photography shows per year. Member’s websites are linked to the SLAL website. Members receive discounted fees on special workshops and classes. SLAL Photography Club offers valuable photo instructional meetings. Members are encouraged to volunteer to help with various projects, activities and gallery sitting. There are also special sponsorship opportunities.
The League promotes all forms of art throughout the South Lake County Area. It works to bring together people interested in the arts and to provide opportunities for participation in classes, workshops and shows. It offers art classes in acrylics, colored pencils, drawing, mixed media, oils, pastels, fine art photography, Zentangle and watercolor with other art related events.
Celebrating The Fine Arts In Clermont: SLAL Fine Art and Photography shows are held in the Spring and Fall. Children’s Art Classes are held every Tuesday from 5 to 6:30 PM. Ages 8 and up.
Visit the SLAL Art Gallery to view exhibits, purchase artwork, make donations and support the arts. There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate the arts in the South Lake Community.
The South Lake Art League Gallery is located at 776 West Montrose Street in downtown Clermont. For more SLAL information, sponsorship opportunities and membership applications, email: and visit: