After lengthy and sometimes heated dialogue, First Baptist Church withdrew its request before Clermont City Council to rezone approximately 6 acres of its 38-acre parcel, located on the south side of Clermont at the corner of Hartwood Marsh and Hancock, for use as an Assisted Living Facility.

The project would include up to 100 residents, a one-story Memory Care building/wing for up to 32 residents, and a single-story amenity building for the residents. The layout had been changed and reconfigured to allow the proposed three-story building to be located away from the residential neighborhoods. The total maximum building area would not exceed 62,000 square feet.
The church purchased the 38-acre parcel in 2001, planning a multi-use complex to include ancillary uses to support the church’s ministry. In 2021 the first phase of their master plan was completed when construction on the main worship facility was finished.
The April 27th Council meeting was held at The Clermont Arts and Recreation Center due to the anticipated number of residents who would be attending and speaking to council about the project. As anticipated, the meeting was filled with residents wanting to voice their concerns. The meeting lasted well into the night.
The main objection to the project was that it would generate increased traffic from residents, visitors, employees and vendors, exacerbating the already heavily congested traffic on Hartwood Marsh Road.
After hours of objections from the residents, The church’s acting Attorney Cecila Bonifay, advised Council that the request was being withdrawn. Since the request was withdrawn and not denied by council, there is no limitation on when the church can once again apply for rezoning.
The current zoning of the property is R-1 Single-Family Medium Density Residential, which allows a church use with a Conditional Use Permit. The City Council approved on February 27, 2018, a CUP to allow a Master Planned Church Facility with ancillary uses to support the church ministry.