Story and Photos by Marty Proctor

FAITH Neighborhood Center operates as a food pantry in South Lake County.  It has been serving the community continuously since 1972.   The pantry is located at 14727 Timber Village Road in Groveland.  It is open distributing healthy food to those in need from 9-12 AM Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday as well as 1-4 PM on Thursdays.  The Center operates serving over a thousand clients a month with a paid staff of 5 mostly part-time employees.  There are about 100 volunteers who help collect, organize, and distribute thousands of pounds of food per month.  The Center cannot operate without volunteers.

These volunteers represent a wide variety of local residents.  They are your neighbors, friends, public officials and even missionaries.  Recently, the SOUTH LAKE TABLET spoke with several who have recently returned or started volunteering.  Here are some of the reasons they gave for sharing their time and talents at this challenging time.


Rose B. starts us off,  “I used to work across the street at the old center since 2014.  I got caught up in the UK during the virus lockdown.  I never had the disease and decided to return to volunteering after I was able to leave the UK.  I love coming here and taking care of people.  We work together as a team”

New volunteers Paulette G. and Paul R. shared their thoughts.  “I’ve been looking for something to do for a while to volunteer.  We had other people in our neighborhood who decided to work here.  That kind of drew me in.  This gives me the opportunity to give back.  I feel safe and comfortable working here and I have had both of my vaccine shots.”

Married couple Jim and Martha L. provided their reasons.  “I recently retired and my wife Martha and we moved to Groveland from Minnesota.  When our church partnered with FNC to provide turkeys at Christmas we volunteered to help.  Seeing the importance FNC plays in our community, we decided to become regular volunteers.  We are enjoying working shoulder-to-shoulder in this great work.”

FNC Produce by the pallet

Randy T. takes over,  “I volunteered here last year.  I was called back to work so I took some time away.  Things changed and I am back.  I enjoy working here and enjoy the people that are here.  I’ve now been vaccinated and had both my shots.  I never lived in fear of the Coronavirus itself.  I am perfectly happy and I tell people this is the best job I have ever had.”

Tod K. wanted to be included.  “I enjoy volunteering and it’s a good way to give back to the community.  I’ve been volunteering all along during the pandemic.  I feel comfortable.  The people here are very helpful and friendly.  It feels like a safe environment here at the Center.”

Married couple Fred and Mary Sue S. were up next.  “We decided to come back to FAITH Neighborhood Center.  Our health is still good enough and we have had both our COVID shots.  We have been back since January.  We have the time to share with our community and we need the exercise!”

Another returning couple Harold and Ruth U. added.  “We came back because we’ve always been here, ever since it was at the old place across the street.  We decided to come back because it means a lot.  I’m serving the community.  The virus doesn’t bother me now, not as long as I am wearing my mask!”

One volunteer never that stopped coming, Buddy F. found a way to volunteer among the many and varied activities that made him comfortable.  “I said that you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.  I am still here.  I decided to come in throughout the pandemic.  I work now on days when we have no clients here.  This limits my exposure while allowing me to work and help.  I’m tired of the bug but I’m still here.”


FNC Pantry Sorting

Another volunteer that never stopped coming added this story.  “The paid staff here has been very proactive about health and safety.  We do temperature and health checks when we arrive.  The Center has been kept very clean as always, after all, we handle and distribute tons of food.  Many of the protocols have been modified to help the volunteers keep safe.  Most of the work here is broken up into specific tasks and performed by small teams of 2-4 volunteers.  During the peak period of the bug, the Staff worked to keep the same teams together consistently.  This limited my exposure to very few people yet allowed me to help and get our job done.  This is a fun volunteer gig that provides exercise, human interaction, and a way to help others.”

Finally, we have Anne H.  She started at FNC several months ago before the virus.  Her husband has underlying issues while she is healthy and ready to help.  “I am coming back to the FAITH Neighborhood Center after over a year.  I have now had both vaccine shots.  The CDC and the doctors I trust have told me that it’s safe.  I no longer worry as much about myself or my husband getting ill.  I am happy to be coming back.”

The Center is always in need of volunteers of every age, gender, nationality, and capability.  There are a wide array of tasks that need to be done.  The staff works to ensure that everyone who volunteers is comfortable and has fulfilling work.  As you can see above, the “work” is often fun and the volunteers feel like part of a team helping others.

FNC Pantry

If you have a couple of hours a week or wish to make a cash donation instead, contact Scott Dau at 352-429-1200 or just come by 14727 Timber Village Road, Groveland FL 34736.  The Center is also on FaceBook or at

Those in need are welcome to visit the Center during operating hours.  The enrollment process is quick and private.  New clients receive fresh, healthy food immediately and are warmly welcomed to visit up to twice a month.  Se habla espanol and a little kreyol too.  All are welcome.

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