Thrive PopUps are designed for teens 13-18 years old. The program offers a safe and fun environment for teens to learn new skills and hobbies from local experts. Thrives efforts are focused on key life skills, mentoring and career readiness and is dedicated to the physical, mental and emotional wellness of all teens.
Visit Thriveclermont.org for additional information.
The Kiwanis Club of Clermont welcomes visitors to join us for a meeting and see what we are all about. Learn more about our mission of serving the children of South Lake County by visiting the Kiwanisclubofclermont.org or visit our Facebook page.
The Club meets on the first, second and third Tuesdays of the month at the Golden Corral Restaurant, 1555 S. Grandway, Clermont, at 11:30 AM.. with one exception. – at IHop Restaurant, 2589 S. Highway 27, Clermont, 5:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of each month.