Read to Sydney and the Kiwanis Club of Clermont continues its partnership of Lending Library book boxes.
Visit Hope International Church, 13806 State Rd 33, Groveland, for a first-hand look at the lending library children’s book opportunity.
Free Children’s books are available within the boxes. Simply browse the available books and take one home to read. Return the book, trade the book with a replacement or if you really enjoy the book, keep it. It’s as easy as that.
The Kiwanis Club of Clermont thanked Pastor Tony and the staff at Hope International for their effort in helping children of South Lake County.
The KIWANIS CLUB of CLERMONT was chartered on January 28, 1926 and since has served the community and its children. Its motto is “Serving the Children of the World”. They meet every Tuesday at 11:30 am at Golden Corral-Clermont and every 4th Tuesday at 5:30 pm at the IHOP Restaurant on S. Hwy 27 Clermont.
Contact information: Kiwanis Club of Clermont, P.O. Box 120114, Clermont, FL 34712. For information about the Kiwanis Club of Clermont, visit their website www.Kiwanisclubofclermont.org
For information on joining or volunteering with the Kiwanis Club of Clermont, contact Chuck Seaver, Membership Chair @ cseaver2218@aol.com Tel #(407) 375 3220.