The highlight of the evening was a surprise presentation made by Monica Wofford, the CEO of the United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties, announcing the first United Way Star of Service Award recipient…Clermont Police Chief Charles Broadway.
Monica Wofford’s described the purpose of the award and why Chief Broadway was the well-deserving recipient of the first UNITED WAY STAR OF SERVICE AWARD.
“What we are all going through… in our community, in our state, the Nation, and the World provokes a multitude of reactions, fears and responses from all walks of life and it is in such times of momentary triumph and a dedicated sense of defeat that we crave direction on where to go from here. Which way is up and who’s leading the charge? Perhaps we crave, in a sense, a bit of a Northern Star.
Such is the concept upon which this inaugural Star of Service award was founded. From United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, we will be looking far and wide, across our entire two counties for such a star that is leading the charge…to serve all who need it in the areas on which we focus: income, education and health.
On tonight, National Night Out, what more appropriate occasion to share this first award recipient, who is a member of those who guide us in a crisis, lead us to safety, and protect us daily – a member of our local Law Enforcement.
This first Star of Service Award recipient has been serving since the teen years and probably before. He was influencing the direction of young lives when he was but a teen him. Part of a group guiding troubled teens, the adult leaders said this person was who had their attention. They listened to him more than the instructors. In this case, this selfless service was about guidance on future direction, future jobs, future incomes, and future well-being. A teen giving up free Saturdays to help others, is of service.
In the bit of a reconnaissance mission to find little known service details for this person, there is also the time when this person served residents of Florida, by responding to that first call upon arrival to a new station… for the purpose of removing an alligator. A former New Yorker tackling a gator, is of service.
A family man, this Star of Service recipient even served a family, by educating a pregnant woman that calling 911 because there was a snake on her Florida sidewalk was probably not necessary, but then coming to help remove said snake when a fellow officer said…Um, your wife is on the phone about a snake.
And while these tidbits may seem humorous, what becomes clear when you see the whole picture is that whether inspiring students, supporting fellow martial arts team members in their learning, standing proud for his community and officers, standing up for those not willing or able to stand themselves, stepping in when called to conduct search and recovery on 9/11, or serving as a security guard, asset manager, patrol office, detective, special agent, captain, and now Chief of Police for the City of Clermont, our FIRST United Way Star of Service Award recipient is truly a man who demonstrates being of Daily, Diligent, Influential, and humble service.
After the presentation, Monica stated, “It was a privilege and pleasure to be able to recognize our inaugural United Way Star of Service recipient Chief Broadway at National Night Out. We are so grateful for his continued efforts and those of all first responders, firefighters, and law enforcement officers in our communities.”
Further details and pictures can be seen by visiting, CLERMONT NIGHT OUT