Frank Klum Sr., past quartermaster of Post 5277, turned 99 on January 24, 2022.  He is the oldest member of The Post! His older sister turned 100 this past November. VFW Post 5277 and auxiliary members hosted a birthday celebration with his family, friends.

Bob Farrell, Post Quatermaster said, “Frank joined the Army Air Corp just before WWII and retired from the US Air Force after twenty-one years. He can keep one’s attention with his stories from the service and is a regular at the National Training Center gym. Farrell continued, “We can now plan his 100th”.


The Kiwanis Club of Clermont also celebrated its long-time member Frank Klum’s 99th birthday!

Kiwanis President Chuck Seaver said, “Frank is a remarkable man in many ways, including his service to country and community. A retired service member, Frank enlisted two days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps, Frank was assigned to the 97th Bombardment Squadron of the 47th Bombardment Group.

Frank continued his service through WWII and made the military his career. Retiring in 1962 while assigned to the Pine Castle Air Force Base in Orlando. Frank then continued his career with the U.S. Postal Service for 22 years.

Clermont soon became his home and the Kiwanis Club of Clermont became his next journey. At 99 years old, Frank continues daily visits to the gym, club meetings and activities as well as his active membership in the Clermont VFW Post”.


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