The Clermont Police Department is encouraging Clermont citizens to focus on the importance of roadway safety with a new traffic campaign.  The Police Department will be posting a series of videos, and information on their social media along with the city website to inform and remind Clermont of the importance of roadway safety.

Roadway safety encompasses speeding, distracted driving, aggressive driving, pedestrian safety and many other topics to be brought to the attention of our Clermont citizens. In 2021, there were 1,195 speeding citations given out in Clermont; 81 of those citations were given out for speeding in school zones, 5 citations were for racing, and 2 citations were for traveling 101 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. Other related driving violations include 110 DUI arrests in 2021, and 25 alcohol related crashes. We share these statistics to remind citizens the importance of driving safely and avoiding injury to yourself, other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Please help us by reading and following the information shared during this campaign. We also ask drivers to commit to following the posted speed signs, and driving safely every day.

Please use the hashtag, #SafetyChampion on social media to share your stories of how you and other drivers are sharing these roadway safety tips, and making our roadways safe for all to use.

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