Timothee Sallin, Co-CEO of IMG Enterprises, was the keynote speaker at the South Lake Chamber Breakfast on July 15.
A graduate from New College of the University of South Florida, Timothee earned a degree in Economics and International Studies. He is also a graduate from the University of Florida’s Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources.
His mom and dad, Michel and Veronique Sallin founded IMG Enterprises in 1979. The mission was and still is to contribute to the health and quality of life of people, by providing beautiful and functional landscapes, nutritious and great-tasting fruit, all produced with respect for the environment.
IMG Enterprises ia comprised of three operational entities: Cherrylake, IMG Citrus and Legacy Wilderness Preserve. Each company is unified through their commitment to Florida agribusiness and its common ownership and leadership under IMG Enterprises.
Cherrylake has over 1,800 acres of containerized trees, shrubs and palms in production in addition to being a trusted leader in the Central Florida market in landscape construction and maintenance. It is the third largest ornamental tree farm in the Southeast U.S. and one of the fastest-growing landscape contractors in the country.
He is a board member of 1000 Friends of Florida, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving special places and building better communities.