by Kimberly Hayes

Chronic illness is often misunderstood and carries a stigma because those who aren’t affected by it do not know how to react. If your relative suffers from a chronic illness, South Lake Tablet shares some things you can assist with to help them get their symptoms under control.

Encouraging Adherence to a Treatment Plan

Coping with chronic illness is a team effort. While effective treatment of symptoms is mainly the responsibility of the individual suffering from the condition, it’s also up to loved ones and health care professionals to ensure that the treatment plan is ideal for alleviating symptoms and bringing functionality to acceptable levels. 

The American Academy of Family Physicians points out that the biggest culprit of failed treatment is the patient not following a treatment plan correctly. You can help your loved one stick with their treatment plan by taking them to appointments and being a personal cheerleader. If they struggle with a part of the plan, don’t provide a solution, but instead ask what they think would work.

Coping Mechanisms for Stress

Chronic illness can create stress by causing uncertainty about the future, inability to work, and financial worries. Cleveland Clinic notes that some symptoms of stress can result in:

  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Tension in relationships
  • Losing interest in hobbies due to aches and pains

While the ways a patient can help avoid stress lie with them, their home environment can be a crucial factor. Help them maintain a clean, clutter-free environment with soothing art or posters and living house plants to clean the air. Keeping natural light instead of dark rooms goes a long way toward relieving stress. Using UV light bulbs can help if natural sunlight is hard to come by.

A Little Support Goes a Long Way

Unless you suffer from a chronic illness, you cannot fully understand the condition they live with. One of the best practices your relative can adopt is to reach out to others suffering from similar issues. Sometimes they need help understanding the emotions tied to pain and discomfort. A fellow sufferer with a willing ear can help. Join a support group to surround them with people with similar conditions. Relatives can attend these support groups with their loved ones to gain more insight into chronic illness. 

Another support option includes the presence of a loving pet. If you’re a pet owner, you might think your furry friend is a hassle or stress to your loved one. However, as Arthritis New South Wales explains, pets can be tremendously healing. Even simply being in the same room with an animal companion can prove beneficial. You can take some simple steps to help, such as getting a doggie bed or a cat tree that your loved one can place where they spend the most time.

Setting up a Successful Home Office 

When your relative has their illness under an acceptable level of control, they may be able to return to work, often at home. Setting up a workspace compatible with their condition may consist of having a proper chair, ensuring the desk is the right height and keeping monitors an arm’s length away.  

An ergonomic workstation can be complemented by a well-lit and ventilated office, with plants and pictures to make it personalized. It’s good practice to take frequent breaks to stretch and relieve eye stress by not looking at monitors for five minutes per hour. 

Holistic Approaches to Chronic Illness Management

There is no ultimate cure for chronic illnesses, but you can help your loved ones with activities of daily living and support them in their efforts to alleviate symptoms. Certain actions – including encouragement, support, and having a loving pet – can help your relatives diminish symptoms holistically, making them manageable enough to work from home.

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(Image via Pexels)


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