On Thursday, October 13, the members of Beta Theta, ESA met at the home of their president Michelle Delaney to pledge their newest members – Donna Graham, Patti Carrasquillo, and Michele Barnard-Pines. Michelle presided over the pledging ceremony and Toni Bell-Rescoe proudly pinned the women. This was a very special pledging ceremony for Toni, who taught all three in high school. Yes!, all of them are Clermont High School Highlanders.

Terry Moherek, Beta Theta vice president and membership chair did the educational Program, “Make The World A Better Place – Dream, Believe, Achieve..Stay Strong”. She promised the exercise program would be easy, however, muscles were aching by the end of the activity.
Support the members of Beta Theta
Beta Theta will be holding its Annual Rummage Sale on Saturday, November 5. The fabulous array of pots, pans, books and clothing will be ready for sale beginning at 8 am at 1139 W. Lakeshore Drive, Clermont.
Beta Theta’s annual fundraiser will be announced shortly.
Good Friends, Good Works, and Good Times is the mission of Beta Theta, ESA. The members create activities and support causes that let them surround themselves with welcoming, positive people who enjoy making a difference in the community while having fun together. Beta Theta has been an active service organization in the community for over 43 years.