by Chuck Seaver, South Lake Tablet
The City of Clermont has big plans for the 8th Street Park area located on the shores of Lake Minneola. A conceptual design was made available to the public on March 8th at the Clermont City Center.
City Manager Brian Bulthuis outlined the concept, which is not yet finalized, that includes seating, picnic areas, restrooms, an amphitheater, and an enhanced flow of pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the trail. An artistic monument recognizing the entire trail and highlighting Clermont’s history as a model community for trail users is also planned.

The proposed concept includes the installation of a boat docking facility for a maximum of seventy-six boats and eight dedicated jet-ski slips. The docking facility would replace the aging and damaged 8th Street pier that is currently closed for safety reasons. The original pier is 50+ years old and has received repairs to maintain its usability over the years. However, current repair and upgrade costs are estimated to be between $750,000.00- $1,000,000.00. A cost that would be funded from the city’s general revenue fund.

The new docking facility will also feature a dedicated fishing area and a breakwater. The slips will serve as a transitory day-use only facility with no overnight mooring allowed. Bulthuis emphasized that the docking facility will not be a boat ramp nor a marina. The facility will prohibit commercial use, as well as fueling and repair of vessels. A large portion, if not all of the project funding will be sought through a variety of grants available for the project. The city also has $3,000,000.00 available in recreation impact fees if necessary. Impact fees can only be used for new projects and cannot be used for existing repair needs.

Bulthuis explained that the proposed concept was not a new idea but rather an idea that was first approved by the Clermont City Council in 2015 as part of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) plan and the Clermont Downtown Master Plan. A plan that was most recently set as a city council priority in 2021. Both the CRA and the Master Plan were developed to keep the growing community connected and to protect the very charms that have attracted thousands of people to relocate to the city of Clermont.

If plans are implemented, the project will create an attraction to recognize the “Meet Us in The Middle” location of the Florida Coast-to-Coast(C2C) Trail system. The city of Clermont is the midway point for the C2C Trail system. A system that spans nearly 250 miles and links the varied communities between St. Petersburg on the Gulf Coast and Titusville on the Atlantic Coast. The trail is also part of the Florida Greenway and Trails System plan that recognizes the economic impact to communities along the trail.
In closing, Bulthuis further emphasized that the proposal is a concept. “The concept shows the maximum use of the area based on our existing land leases and use permits” says Bulthuis.
Bulthuis emphasized throughout the meeting that the city is only first steps into the development of the “Meet in the Middle” project. The renderings presented are conceptual and will evolve over time with community support and feasibility.
Some facts:
- The design and engineering has been paid for by CRA.
- Enhancements of the existing pier to include docks allows for use of impact fees to fund the project.
- There is currently $3,000,000 allocated for this project in Parks and Recreation Impact Fees.
- City will be applying for a variety of grants including Land and Water Conservation Fund, TDC and direct allocation through the state.
Next Steps:
- Community Support and Visualization
- Site Data & Gathering Information
- Meet with State Agencies
- Design Development
- Budgeting and Feasibility
- Implementation
(Visit Powell Architecture to see more “meet in the middle” conceptual renderings.)