EAA Chapter 534 VP, John Weber conducted an aviation career workshop for the Leesburg Lake Composite Squadron ( FL 021 ) of the Civil Air Patrol.

Article and Photos by Ted Luebbers

The Lake Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol learned about possible career paths that aviation might offer when it comes time for them to decide on a vocation.

( Left) Nancy Oussaty , a private pilot and Certified Flight Instructor talked about opportunities that accrue from earning a private pilot’s license.

Members of the CAP visited the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 534 hangar on Saturday, June 10, at the Leesburg International Airport in Leesburg, FL.

The Civil Air Patrol is an Auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force and aviation is a cornerstone of their cadet program.

The CAP Squadron FL021 meets on Tuesday nights in the Leesburg Airport administration building. The age qualifications for cadets are 12 to 21.

EAA Chapter vice president, John Weber had arranged to have several chapter members with varied backgrounds in aviation to give a presentation of their personal careers.

Bob Pitzer, a retired US. Air Force pilot and aircraft mechanic talked about the benefits of a military career in aviation.

 They had backgrounds as aircraft mechanics, flight instructors, private and commercial pilots, as well as military flying experience.

These chapter members were able to discuss some of the many opportunities for aerospace employment.  Each of them invited the CAP members to ask as many questions as they would like.

John Weber explained the Chapter 534 Aviation Youth Group called Squadron 534 and the Young Eagles programs that are available at the Leesburg Airport. Aviation magazines and EAA literature were handed out to all the CAP members.

There is already a close connection between Chapter 534 and the CAP Squadron as several of their adult leaders are also members of the chapter. Mason McClintock, a member of Squadron 534, the chapter’s aviation youth group, is also a member of the CAP Squadron.

For those who may be interested in the Civil Air Patrol at the Leesburg Airport their contact email is < craig.mccullough@flwgcap.us >

If you wish to have more information about EAA Chapter 534 go to their website at < www.eaachapter534.org >.

Both of these organizations are working to inspire young people about the many opportunities available in aerospace.


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