submitted by Coach Ferrell, East Ridge High School
The East Ridge Boys Cross Country team, for the second week in a row, was just edged out by one of their opponents. Much like the week before at the Deland Invitational where the boys missed a team spot by a mere one point, the boys were just edged out by four points by Horizon High School, which negated their ability to bring home a runner-up trophy finishing in third place. The race took place just down the street at Lake Minneola High School, where their friendly neighbors to the north were hosting the Hawks on the Hill Invitational. The overall Team winner was perennial state qualifier Bishop Verot, traveling all the way from Fort Myers. Rounding out the top six in the boys’ race was East River High School in fourth place, Celebration High School in fifth place, and host Lake Minneola High School in sixth place. There were thirteen qualifying boys teams in this race.

As has been the case throughout the season, East Ridge High School was led by Freshman Axel Sallault in a time of 17:01. Sallault was just one second off of his personal best time of 17:00 he set last week in Deland. With this time, Axel finished in third place overall. Axel’s battery mate, Caleb Walker established a personal best time of 17:53, placing him eleventh overall. Just behind Caleb was fellow Sophomore Dylan McCleary who gutted out an 18:41, which was just off of his personal best time. Rounding out the top scoring five for the Knights was Senior Kevin Lederer, placing 24th and finishing in a time of 18:56 and Sophomore Gustavo Vargas, who continues to shave time off of his personal best times each and every race. This was Gustavo’s first official varsity race, one in which he was able to score points for the Knights. Vargas, running in brand new shoes, galloped to a 51st place finish, in a time of 20:07. This race, coincidentally, happened to be the straightest race that Vargas as run this season. Finishing just behind speedburner Vargas was Freshman Tyce Ertel in a time of 20:19, placing 57th. Ertel was followed by Sophomore James Laack in 59th place in a time of 20:22. Runners eight through ten in the varsity race were Ethan Laack (81st place, 21:08), Christopher Stuemke (87th place, 21:59), and Scott Bori (105th place, 23:50)

The Junior Varsity Boys Cross Country put together a solid effort on Saturday finishing in fourth place. The JV boys were led by Senior Dawson Balliet in a time of 22:58, finishing in 16th place, good for a personal best. Second for the JV squad was consistently improving Freshman Eli Parks who once again dropped another personal best time of 23:22. Just behind Parks, running in his first High School race was Sophomore Evan DeAnnuntis who finished in a time of 23:28. Rounding out the scoring for the JV Knights was Sophomore Chase Ensor in a time of 23:47 and Freshman John Hall in a time of 24:22. Sixth through ninth for the Knights was Gabriel Jayjack (26:59), Owen Degges (27:57), Alexander Stuemke (28:06), and Alex Stewart (28:30)
The Knights will be right back in action next Saturday, September 16th at the Savannah and David Memorial Meet at Spruce Creek High School. The varsity boys will kick things off at 7:30 AM, followed by the varsity girls, and conclude with the JV teams.