By Margaret Price, Montverde Academy (MVA) Assistant Dean of Students for Multiculturalism, Leadership, and Student Programs

Mrs. Kirstin Coffman, the Director of Residential Life, and her daughter, Jemah Coffman, a third grader at MVA, both got a haircut at Great Clips in order to donate their hair to Wigs for Kids. Wigs for Kids is a company that takes donated hair and makes wigs for children who have lost their hair due to disease/cancer. The best part is these wigs are 100 percent free to the families. It takes between 10 and 20 different donations to make one wig.

Mrs. Coffman was able to donate 15 inches and Jemah 12 inches. “I love my new haircut! It is much easier now that I do not have to comb it so much every day,” said Jemah.

“It was so special to be able to do this with my daughter,” said Mrs. Coffman. “I have done this ten times before (last time was in 2021). Once I explained to Jemah why I do this, she was all in and could not wait to have her hair long enough to donate. Although we will miss pulling our hair back in a ponytail, we know our hair grows fast. We are looking forward to growing our hair out to do it again! I always have sent a note with my donation that says that I’m praying for the hands that make the wig, along with the child who wears it.”

For those interested in donating, visit “We don’t want the recognition, but if this encourages more people to donate, that would be awesome!” said Mrs. Coffman.

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