2023 The Year of Blessings
As we begin the Christmas Season, we want to tell you how thankful we are with the many people who gave their time, talent, and treasures in 2023. It gives us great joy knowing that so many people who care about New Beginnings’ programs contribute, as staff and volunteers serve the local homeless and less fortunate.
Looking back over the year, God has delivered many blessings, too countless to name all of them. Here are a few:
• Our thrift store ministry has been well received as hundreds of people donated to our cause and shopped with the purpose knowing that the proceeds are used to serve local people in need. 81% of the revenue received is used to support our programs.
• Many companies and caring people supported our ministry and some held events to raise awareness and then donated part of their proceeds. Through all the support from you and others, we were able to serve over 2,000 people by providing housing (or referrals for housing), food, clothing, counseling, computer classes, and praying with those in need.
• Some of the special one-time Blessings included a grant from Lake County to help with the costs of developing New Beginnings Village, a place where 6 homeless families can temporarily live at no cost while they rebuild their lives through our successful Hands Up Program. We were also Blessed with a Live Well Foundation grant allowing our 3 Case Managers to receive training to become State Certified in Behavioral Health. This enriches our services for those struggling with mental health issues. These and many other grants have enabled us to reach more families in need.
Thanks to you, 2023 was a very successful and impactful year helping those who faced significant housing cost increases, along with large increases in food and vehicle costs. Many of you have supported us since we started in 2007, and we are prayerful that God leads you to continue supporting our mission: Empowering People to Live a Responsible Life. New Beginnings was founded on the Biblical teaching: Matthew 25:35-37 “When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was without clothes, you clothed me. When I was homeless, you brought me in”. This practice is still in place today and will guide us forever.
From the New Beginnings team, Merry Christmas to you as we celebrate our Savior’s Birth, and wish you a very Happy New Year!
We pray that you will continue to stay in touch and contact us anytime as we appreciate your feedback.
Visit their website to learn more – www.nbcfl.org