Tina Worrell (R) is pictured with Andrew Snodgrass (L, Clermont Code Enforcement Officer at City Hall) with the plant she is loaning for December.

By Grace Rabano & The Clermont Garden Club

Every month, from September through May, Clermont Garden Club members loan plants to Cooper Memorial Library and Clermont City Hall to promote horticulture awareness and connect our community to Clermont Garden Club’s programs, civic activities, and community outreach.

Clermont Garden Club member, Elaine Hogan, has loaned her potted plant to Cooper Memorial Library for December. The pot contains a combination of Sansevierias and air plants. Sansevierias are native to Africa and are more commonly known as the Snake Plant and Mother-in-law’s tongues. They are very low maintenance. A unique feature of this plant is that it will filter indoor air and remove toxic pollutants in the home. Air plants are probably the easiest for beginners. They do not require soil. They will grow on other plants such as trees, without being parasitic. Nutrients are obtained from the air, water and other debris around them. The air plant in this container just rests on top of the soil.

The plant loaned to Cooper Memorial Library for December is a combination of Sansevierias and air plants.

Clermont Garden Club member, Tina Worrell has loaned her plant to Clermont City Hall. The plant is an Earth Star or Cryptanthus. It is easy to grow, requiring bright light and little water. The plant with dancing snowmen is in a LOVE martini glass given out at the opening of the Clermont Performing Arts Center in September 26, 2014.

Clermont Garden Club members meet every third Wednesday of the month (September through May) at the clubhouse located at 849 West Avenue, Clermont, FL (except during scheduled field trips or luncheons).  Meetings begin by 10:00 am and light refreshments are served beforehand. New members and guests are warmly welcome.

Clermont Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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