Mayor Tim Murry

 January 2024 

Welcome to 2024!

The first Council Workshop of the New Year was held on Jan. 16 and discussions included updated plans for the Meet Us in the Middle Plaza and the 8th Street Docks, pickleball courts, and the status of our Code Enforcement Board. Our next workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 20 and will continue discussions on the Meet Us in the Middle Plaza and the 8th Street Docks. 

These workshops are important as they allow all of us to meet and discuss issues and topics outside of an official meeting while still following Florida’s Sunshine Law guidelines. I encourage you to attend these workshops as well as our regular council meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Our meetings all begin at 6:30 p.m. 

City staff is working with the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council to update our current Comprehensive Plan. This plan is the “rulebook” municipalities develop and follow for responsible growth and development. Please consider attending a community meeting on Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. at the Clermont City Center, 620 W. Montrose Street. This meeting will discuss how important community input is when updating our plan as well as outline ways you can get involved. More details on the survey will soon be posted at 

The Florida Legislature is in full session and I am looking forward to our visit to Tallahassee during Legislative Week, Jan. 29 – 31. Council Member Michael Gonzalez, City Manager Brian Bulthuis, and Chief Charles Broadway will also attend meetings with our state officials to stress our needs and ask for support. 

An important message was shared at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ceremony on Jan. 15. It was 62 years ago when he first shared his “I Have a Dream” speech and that message remains important today. Much progress has been made, but we must stay focused on continuing that progress. 

Our annual “Great Clermont Campout” is just around the corner and promises to be a fun-filled 24 hours or so at Waterfront Park. Members of 60 families will spend time together and replace many of today’s electronic distractions with bonfires and s’mores, kayaks and paddleboards, and camp games– all in the great outdoors. If you missed this one, visit our website and sign up for the “Creepy Clermont Campout” in October. 

“Lunch with the Mayor” continues at noon on the first Tuesday of each month. On February 6, the View at Clermont National (2601 Diamond Club Drive) will host us and in March, we will check out the new Portillo’s (1251 E. Highway 50). You don’t need to register, just show up if your schedule allows it. I hope you can join us for good food and better fellowship. 

Our City Clerk and the Lake County Supervisor of Elections have finalized the details for the special election necessary to fill the remaining term of Seat No. 2. The election will be held on May 14 with a run-off on Aug. 20 if one candidate does not receive the majority of votes. Qualifying begins on Monday, March 4 at noon and ends at noon on Friday, March 8. 

I am thankful for another year to continue working for our Clermont community. I sincerely appreciate your support and I depend on you to let me know if you have questions or concerns. As always, you can reach me at 

Until next time, 

Mayor Tim Murry 

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