By Lyder Reksten, Interlachen Editor in Chief, Class of 2026

The Interlachen staff is honored to present Dr. Arghyris Arghyrou with the 111th Yearbook Dedication.

Affectionately dubbed Dr. A, he illuminates students’ educational paths and works to ignite a passion for learning in every student who enters his classroom. Dr. Arghyrou, a special and integral member of the Montverde Academy community, has enriched the minds of students in ways extending far beyond the curriculum.

After serving in the Cyprus Army, Dr. Arghyrou relocated to Miami, with aspirations to study hospitality. With both parents as educators, Dr. Arghyrou developed a passion for education, but not a desire to pursue a career in teaching.

His path in hospitality did not provide the challenge and success he sought, which led him to consider an alternative career path. That is where the legacy of this special educator took flight. “Since I liked international relations and political science, I decided to study that,” Dr. Arghyrou said.

Inspired by another educator, John Stagg, Dr. Arghyrou pursued his passion to teach. While pursuing his master’s, Dr. Arghyrou acted as Stagg’s teaching assistant, which required him to hold lectures. His first and most memorable experience as a TA was lecturing about the causes of World War I. “I prepared all day, and when I got up to the podium, I was shaking and so nervous,” Dr. Arghyrou said. “Professor Stagg told me that next time, I should start by asking the audience questions and showing my own knowledge. I did that the second time, and the lecture went great. That was the moment I realized I wanted to teach.”

In addition to his students, Dr. Arghyrou leaves lasting educational impacts on his colleagues. As History Department Chair, he is a leader and an influential figure to those under his supervision. Mr. Lance Walsworth (economics) can undoubtedly attest to this: “Dr. A has made a tremendous impact on my teaching. He helps me to remain focused on the two most important aspects of college preparatory instruction: student understanding and content mastery.”

His passion for education, along with his father’s influence, led him to pursue his PhD. “Getting my PhD was the highlight of my career,” Arghyrou said. “I really struggled, and it took a lot of endurance to finish. It was a challenge, and I know my father was very proud of that. Every time I see my students succeeding, I am reminded of the work it takes to get there. Once I started learning what I loved, such as the social sciences, theoretical abstractions, and philosophy in theory, I wanted to learn more. A love for learning the things that are interesting to you is what motivated me, and my father, to get a PhD.”

Since 2004, Dr. Arghyrou has served as an integral part of the campus. From teaching almost every history course available, to sponsoring Model UN and Philosophy Club, to coaching girls soccer, Dr. A has completed it all. Colleague Candace Dietrich (math) wholeheartedly agrees with the accomplishments Dr. Arghyrou has left the community. “Dr. A is good at maintaining a good work-life balance. He truly cares about his colleagues and students. Having worked with Dr. A for nearly 20 years, I know he is very passionate about his subject. I appreciate him; he never fails to make me laugh.”

The walls of Dr. A’s classroom are lined with a myriad of student photographs and memories. “When students come back to see me, it’s the best feeling in the world,” Dr. Arghyrou said. “I even take them out for dinner, and they tell me how successful they are. I have three or four students who got PhDs in the social sciences. And some are becoming American citizens, or ministers, or even pastry chefs. It makes me feel so good to hear of their success and happiness in what they’re pursuing.”

Dr. A’s dedication and legacy are a testament to the power of passion, motivation, and perseverance. Imprinting his knowledge, wisdom, and guidance onto the lives of his students, Dr. Arghyrou is a true educator. The Interlachen staff is incredibly honored to bestow the 111th Anniversary book to the one-and-only Dr. Arghyris Arghyrou.

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