Pictured L-R: Michelle Delaney, Scholarship Chair; Toni Bell, president; Allie Kramer, scholarship recipient; Terry Mohere, prior Beta Theta President

Alle Kramer, a nursing student, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship by Beta Theta-ESA to further her studies at Lake Sumter State College, School of Nursing. This scholarship acknowledges Alle’s hard work, commitment, and passion for nursing, helping provide her with the financial support to continue her education and pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, specializing in mental Health.

Pictured L-R: Tom, Pat (Beta Theta member) and Dylan Moore; Scholarship recipient Alle Kramer, her father Tim Karmer and grandmother, Carole Kramer.

Allie expressed her deep gratitude and appreciation, saying, “I would like to thank God, my family, my loving boyfriend, and his family for their endless support. I wouldn’t be here today without them .” Alle’s acknowledgment highlights the essential support system that has bolstered her throughout her academic and personal endeavors.

The scholarship from Beta Theta-ESA is not just of financial help but also a recognition of Alle’s potential and dedication to the field of nursing. The organization, known for its commitment to supporting education and community service, is playing a significant role in helping Alle move closer to her goal of becoming a nurse.

As Allie continues her studies at Lake Sumter State College, she carries with her the encouragement and faith of those who believe in her. The scholarship from Beta Theta-ESA serves as both a testament to her hard work and a stepping stone toward a promising future in nursing.

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