Rendering of one of the hotels proposed

On July 23, Clermont West Investments approached the Clermont City Council seeking a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a significant development project. The proposal includes the construction of two hotels, up to five stories tall, a residential storage warehouse, and a 12,500 square foot daycare facility. The site for this development would be accessible from the existing driveway on Hooks Street, which currently serves Ford of Clermont, as well as from the existing SR 50 entrance and the Sandy Grove access point to the east.

Concerns were raised about several aspects of the proposal, including the height and grading of the planned structures, by both Clermont staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission and both recommended denial of the ambitious request. 

Following deliberation, the Clermont City Council decided to table the request until August 27. This decision allows Clermont West Investments additional time to refine its strategy and address the council’s concerns about the project’s questionable elements. The developer will need to reconsider key aspects to align more closely with the city’s standards and expectations before the council makes a final decision.

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