Lake County Supervisor of Elections, Alan Hays, has been notified of individuals walking through neighborhoods presenting themselves as officials inquiring about who people voted for.

“It is so unfortunate that some people resort to such tactics, which serves only to undermine voter confidence” stated Hays. 

Supervisor Hays elaborated further saying, “The voters of Lake County should be assured that the Canvassing Board has certified the 2024 Primary Election Unofficial Results and there have been absolutely no problems with any aspect of the recently concluded election.  Everything related to the election and the compilation of the results worked very well.”

Hays further advises that his office does NOT canvass neighborhoods asking who you voted for! This misrepresentation of a governmental office/official is shameful and the individuals engaging in this activity should be ignored.

Call the police or sheriff to report any such activity.

Community members who have Lake County election-related questions should contact the Supervisor of Elections office at 352-343-9734 or

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