Submitted by Pam Schmitz, Clermont Woman’s Club
The Clermont Woman’s Club together with the South Lake Junior Woman’s Club recently hosted the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs District 7 Meeting at their historic clubhouse.
Honored Guest was GFWC Florida State President, Sara Dessareau. She spoke about her chosen program, which is to honor GFWC Florida women veterans with A FLIGHT TO HONOR. Also attending were guest speakers Kathryn Wilgus and Marie Bogdonoff from Ashley’s House which is a non-profit organization that supports female veterans in Lake County.
The Clermont Woman’s Club is a Federated Woman’s Club chartered in 1927. It is a non-profit service organization that meets on the first Tuesday of each month (September through May) at 12:30 pm at their clubhouse, 655 W. Broome St, Clermont. For information see www.clermontwomansclub.org