submitted By Grace Rabano, Clermont Garden Club
For the New Year in January 2025, the Clermont Garden Club’s “Yard of The Month” brings us to the colorful yard of Derick and Zorica Makadai of 2797 Shearwater Street in Clermont, FL. Having recently cut back on the colorful bougainvilleas (family Nyclaginaceae), a few examples of these splendid plants remain. This well-maintained and beautifully manicured garden is packed with different plants, making it visually appealing even in winter. The most eye-catching plant that you see driving past is the vibrant white Poinsettia (Euphorbiaceae) in perfect bush form. The vibrant red leaves of the Copperleaf, also known as Jacobs Coat or Flamengueria (Acalypha wilkesiana), stand bold against the house. Other plants and shrubs include gardenia (part of the coffee family Rubiaceae), a miniature date palm (family Phoenix Roebelenii), Canna Lilies (Cannaceae), Yucca (Asparagaceae), and a Loquat tree (Rosaceae). Derick has captured the spirit of the season, keeping in the theme of seasonal colors in his yard with a red poinsettia and a red rose bush. This garden will produce yet more wonders in the coming months.
If you would like to nominate your or your neighbor’s garden to be The Yard of The Month, send an email to Clermont Garden Club members meet monthly (September through May) at the clubhouse located at 849 West Avenue, Clermont, FL. We warmly welcome guests to attend our meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am. Clermont Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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